Albums Feel Almost Redundant?


Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Berkshire, England
I am using the BYC Application for mobile.

I like the concept of the albums, they're a great way to store collections of phtoos. Not really sure anyone even looks at the albums and gallery pages though.. but importing from your own album only seems to affect your thread negatively.

I was using them to import into my photography thread, but it had two negative affects that have put me off using them.

Firstly, imported photos take forever to load, especially in comparison to adding photos to your post normally. I know my internet isn't revolutionary but it's not bad and it was taking several minutes to load the 10 photos I had imported.

The leads me to the other issue, whilst they're loading you cannot do anything, you cannot click out of the page nor go to the next page or press any buttons. You can go back though which is nice it just means you can't go on that thread unless you're willing to wait.
Thanks for the great feedback and details!

The albums do have a level of redundancy, but they do serve a unique purpose that can't be filled by having posts in a thread, article, etc.

That said, you make some great points regarding the usability, navigation, etc. on the albums, so we'll definitely review and discuss those as future versions are developed!
Thanks for the great feedback and details!

The albums do have a level of redundancy, but they do serve a unique purpose that can't be filled by having posts in a thread, article, etc.

That said, you make some great points regarding the usability, navigation, etc. on the albums, so we'll definitely review and discuss those as future versions are developed!
I would love to be able to make use of them more so that is fantastic news, thank you. They definitely have good potential and as you say they've got a good purpose.

Can't wait to see what you guys can do! Thanks so much.
I would love to be able to make use of them more so that is fantastic news, thank you. They definitely have good potential and as you say they've got a good purpose.

Can't wait to see what you guys can do! Thanks so much.
Took me less than 1 minute to upload 5 pictures just now.

Notice the time on my screenshot on the first one started to upload to the last one finished uploading.


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I just imported those from my album and it didn't take but a second to load for me.
Yes that is what I'm referencing.

Perhaps due to your file sizes being very small, only 2mb.
What size are the photos that took a long time for you?

I'll find some pictures of my own that are that size to test it out to see if I get a speed issue.

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