All chicks DOA via USPS, what now?

Hi all,
My first ever order of chicks through Mcmurray of 25 Cornish X arrived today. I didn't even know Sunday was possible for USPS but you learn something everyday. All 28 chicks were DOA. Some are already decomposing in the box. I'm obviously a bit bothered by this.
I am sorry this happened to you. I bet the post office knew they messed up and left the chicks sitting for days, which is why they came out on a Sunday! I ordered from Meyer in May and 7 out of 10 chicks came dead. I was heartbroken. I picked them up directly at the post office, and it had only been overnight. I have no clue what happened, but I know that horrid feeling of loss.

On the bright side, the 3 that survived are all fine and doing well. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
4 days in a box will probably kill any animal. Sunday delivery from usps isn't normal so it sounds like they just wanted to get rid of the stinky box...
Sunday delivery from the USPS isn't normal, but it's not exactly abnormal when live animals are involved either. They also call pretty darn quick when a box of live bees arrives at the post office no matter what day of the week it is
Only time my father ever got mail on a Sunday.
Great news! Replacement chicks arrived on Thursday morning after shipping on Wednesday and all were and still are healthy and happy!!!!!!! 27 chicks that eat, drink and poop non stop. It's great.

I got the call on Thursday morning and when I walked in the post office you could hear the chirping from 100 yards away. The people at the PO this time were great. A couple of older women who were just smiling like crazy at the chicks. One lady joked that she thought she was having a stroke when she walked in and heard birds until someone told her they had just arrived.

I want to thank you all for the advice you gave.

Wish us luck with these babies!

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