All my chickens are gone


Aug 24, 2009
BC Canada
I went out this morning to feed the girls and all I found was dead bodies all over the chicken run. I had 25 girls and all but 5 were gone. I have a four foot fence all around and nothing had dug under and all the gates were all shut. Something jumped over the fence.

I took a photo of the footprint I found. Any guesses to what it was?


My neighbour thinks it was a cougar or bobcat. I have been numb all day. I caught the survivors and gave them to a neighbour who has chickens in a covered run and dogs in her yard so they will be okay. Thay were so scared - poor things.

All I have left is Lulu and she isn't happy with me because I won't let her out of my sight and won't let her stay out in the yard by herself.

It is so quiet and lonely in the yard.
So sorry for your losses!! That is a terrible thing and I hope you figure out what it was. Definitely something large from the looks of that print, I would tend to agree with your neighbor.
That is sorry for your loss. Can't tell for sure by the print but it could be a dog. They are more likely to mass massacre than a cat.
They are more likely to mass massacre than a cat

Dog was the first thing that came to my mind also, and for the same reason.
And if a dog, it will likely be back. I hope you can catch it and track down it's grievously irrresponsible humans, assuming it isn't homeless.

So sorry and sad for your birds:(
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That is horrible and I am so sorry for your loss. I agree with the post above that it seems more like something a dog would do. Tracks look canine.
Looks like a big dog print. 4 ft. fence would be very easy for dog, coyote, fox, wolf to jump over. Even if you built it higher, sounds like you need a good, secure roof.

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