All Natural Herbal Remedies and Recipes for Chickens

Well maybe they just had some type of irritant going on but two mornings of warm "herbed brown rice" for breakfast and I have not heard a sneeze since Saturday.(my husband is calling me te crazy chicken girl now) I was going to keep giving them tea but it seems unnecessary as they really only acted ill for about 24 hrs.

The one with the closed eye still has it closed but I'm beginning to think this is a different issue all together.

Thanks again!
It may have an irrataion in the eye or may have gotten pecked.
I would reccomend serveing the tea or herbed rice for a few more days to make sure the issue is completely gone.
Well maybe they just had some type of irritant going on but two mornings of warm "herbed brown rice" for breakfast and I have not heard a sneeze since Saturday.(my husband is calling me te crazy chicken girl now) I was going to keep giving them tea but it seems unnecessary as they really only acted ill for about 24 hrs.

The one with the closed eye still has it closed but I'm beginning to think this is a different issue all together.

Thanks again!
I, for one, would like a recipe... just in case.
I can't say I ever measure anything unless I'm baking so this is pure guesstimation from memory:

2 teaspoons Rosemary (couple fresh sprigs from the garden)
2 teaspoons thyme (dried from spice rack)
2 teaspoons oregano (dried from the garden)
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon grated Ginger (frozen peeled)

Tossed everything in the mortar and ground into a paste.

Combined with 3 cups brown rice and 4.5 cups water.

Cook the rice as per usual.

I over cooked it and added extra water to try and make it
more mushy for them and served it warm. I'm sure this would
work with any type of rice.

iPhone really doesn't want to let me make that red, sorry!
You could also use this in moistened feed. Mine love some warm moistened feed. Or if you use FF it would be a great additive in that as well. Great recipe thank you for adding it

It is getting close to time to start planting herbs and that sort of thing. I wanted to give this thread a bump and see if anyone has anymore recipes / suggestions for what to plant to have fresh on hand for the girls.
Hi, I just finished reading everyones posts.... This is a wonderful forum with lots of good information. Thanks to all for providing the recipies and advice for helping my girls get better without having to use chemicals.
Once my birds started coming down with a respiratory issue and their eyes were bubling and mucus was coming out of their eyes and noses, wheezing, gasping for air, sneezing,coughing, not eating. I made this tea and served it warm. The next day they were feeling better and eating their feed. I served it for 7 days

Infection fighter

2 tsp echinacea ( immune system boosting and attacks bacteria)
2 tsp goldenseal ( kills a wide range of bacteria and fungi)
1 tsp minced garlic( highly antimicrobial, fights bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites)
2 tsp licorice root ( anti inflammatory, eases cough and nurishes adrenal glands)
1 tsp marshmallow rt ( soothes inflamed mucus membranes, mildly stimulating for the immune sysytem)

These are all dried herbs. In a med pot, add 7 cups water and the echinacea, garlic, licorice, marshmallow. Simmer for 3-5 mins with cover on. Remove from heat and add goldenseal, return cover and let sit 5-10 mins. The longer it sits the stronger it gets. Sometimes I let it sit until it cools to room temp and then I can fill a gallon waterer half full and then add warm water. This way you can save some for later. Just keep it tightly covered in the fridge. ( any of these herbal teas are also great for us too)

Can people also drink this one " can people drink all the ones you post?"

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