All of you have corrupt me 😂

You all think you have it bad. We go to our local Co-op and if they have chickens or others the guys see us and tell us you know you want them we will give you one for everything you buy. Now you know we are there to buy our monthly food supply which means about 5 scratch, 5 crumble, and whatever else the farm needs. My daughter and I have it bad we have to hide the chicks in the brooder when we come home and pray my partner does not see them when she comes out to see the chickens.

They taunt us people. Literally, taunt us. Seriously like a game show look at the beautiful chicks or duck or guieans (sp).... come on down and let me show you all the beautiful birds you know you want them. buy them all. It's like they know when we walk in the door.
So after see all of your beautiful chickens, and being introduced to so many new breeds that I was blissfully unaware of, I broke. Yep! Completely. Not like I had very far to go though to be quite honest. 🤷🏼‍♀️. So, off to Atwood's I went only to discover that they had pullets on sale for %50 off! I now have a baby pool in my living room with 2 barnevelders, 2 light brahmas, a black silkie, and what I am 99% positive is a sultan (the only silkie and polish they had) 2 EE and 1 olive egger. There is nothing like the smell of fresh pine shaving and the soft peeps coming from content happy babies!!!!! Carry on with your corruption, I'm NOT complaining one bit! 😂❤️😂
Love it!
I had duck at my previous house and they were SUPER POOPERS! I mean caca everywhere! And they drilled their perfectly adorable beaks into the ground all over the place. Seriously some of the cutest birds ever, but I became frustrated and realized they were best for others to raise and me to enjoy from afar❤️
man i agree about ducks- they ruined my garden and brought me little joy. Now chickens are sooo much fun...

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