all who are hatching quail

Great news! So I had a very stuck chick (2 days) and I finally I decided to assist. I took some people's advice and moistened the shell and membrane and took tweezers and started peeling away a zip line and then his head started coming out and his eyes opened! Then I pulled the top a little to loosen it for him (I would be exhausted too if I was struggling in a shell for 2 days!) And he popped out! He peeped lots and lay down to rest and his breathing was kinda off and his neck was kinked from being in the egg too long so his fate was questionable. Then an hour later I come up and he's trying to stand on his 1/2 folded feet and flap his wings in the air and chirp! He's literally the strongest chick I've ever heard of. VERY late hatcher, Struggled for almost 3 days, needed assistance, has 1/2 folded feet and a kinked neck....and he's STILL going strong and acts like a regular baby chick! Anyway, that's just my story of the day :) And I'm hoping his neck will shortly adjust soon? Any input on this miracle chick? And I named him Pikku. That's short for little warrior. Just a reminder to never lose hope in even the most doubtful situations especially with hatching eggs! Thanks again guys for all your support.

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Ok. So my chick I had to help ended up going in the brooder...but he keeps getting bullied and attacked/picked on
As a solution I made a barrier thing made of hardware cloth to separate the bullied chick from the bullies; That way they can study and live with each other and be near each other while the chick isn't getting injured and bullied in the process! Then obviously once he gets big enough/strong enough to fend for himself then I will remove the barrier and see the socializing going on and if the chicks still are attacking him and he doesn't fend-then I guess I'll figure something out
PLEASE give input on whether you think this idea is helpful or if you don't agree with it!!! Some people say let nature take its course, or survival of the fittest-but I will ABSOLUTELY NOT sit here and watch as my baby chick gets slowly killed by it's brothers & sisters (idk if they came from the same clutch)
Yup it's the saddest thing to have to pick up a dead chick from the brooder:hit
I had a lot of unhatched eggs, so i threw them out on the gravel and most were not fertile, their mother and father were under 7 weeks old, but a couple were about to open but never did. When I poked one to bust it open it began chirping so I took the chick in shell and continued to hatch it. One of the original babies died, but this one lived on. It's a day behind and largest one now.
I need to know too.

1. See an egg layed = girl
2. See it crow = boy
3. See it mate = one on top is a boy, one bottom is a girl
4. vent sex, squeeze its bum hole. Needs to be sexually active about 6-7 weeks at the earliest I think
. If you see foam = boy. No foam = girl
Two people have answered your question. You can't feather sex tuxedo quails. You just can't.

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