all who are hatching quail

Just put 25 eggs in! And one cracked egg that got repaired with wax and nail polish...
If it happens again (cracked egg) try this it worked for me:

Use a small piece of shell from a just cracked open egg for eating (can be a chicken egg or other egg layer). The shell will be wet with fluid from the egg and that fluid will make the shell piece stick to the cracked egg and cover the crack as it dries. I prefer using more natural material though I have heard of people using non-natural sealants.
Put 25 Coturnix into the incubator yesterday, They were couriered so maybe that will affect hatch rates, But it hasn't had a big impact from previous hatches.

Going to invest in a bigger incubator with an auto turner later this year.

Wanting to hatch some Tuxedo's I really like their appearance. Maybe once I'm done with this batch.
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Christ almight did i mess up.

For some reason i thought i had set the eggs on a sunday. Check thread, last post said 17 days ago, whoops. Currently on day 18 and have had about 10+ pop out.
I put 47 Coturnix in the incubator today. My first two attempts at hatching eggs didn't turn out so well, but I'm hoping I got the kinks worked out for this one. Luckily I have a steady supply of eggs, so the experiment continues.......
Lol :D Busy setting up a brooder now?

I was :p

I did royally mess up though, Humidity was pretty low (around 40%) and I was turning.. during lock down. So basically, There was no lock down ;/

If i recall correctly, out of the 25 eggs, 6 of the eggs were not fertile, 1 stopped developing very early, and one died this morning unfortunately. Which leaves me with 17(68% hatch rate) which I'm content with considering it's my first quail hatching ever.
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As expected i did get several chicks that took far too long to pip and zip out. Had to assist several. I've buried 5 chicks since hatch, expecting another to die unless i can try prevent it, looks unlikely though.

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