Alphfa or clover hay, will they eat it?

I know that mine LOVE alfalfa leaves!!!!! Grasshoppers and alfalfa are their favorites. I don't think they will eat the alfalfa stems though. Too long and dry. They come in to the barn every day and pick over what is on the floor from me feeding the horses.
I have a small hay feeder in my chicken pen. My chickens eat a surprising amount of alfalfa. I would put up some sort of a hay rack if I were you rather than just throwing it on the ground, but that's me.
Everyone agrees chickens like alphafa, what about the clover. I plant a lot of white clover on my place and chickens are coming next year, will they eat it and is it good for them?
Yes they will and yes it is!
I have only had chckens in my yard since April and I noticed the other day that all my white clover patches are now bare patches these days.
I bought a bunch more to plant through out the yard this fall. They seem to really love it.
Thank you both for such a quick response. It looks like I'll have some happy hens because there is a lot of clover growing all around here and I keep planting it> I like the look better than grass.

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