Am I a paranoid chicken parent?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
Hello all, I have an 11 week old Buff Cochin that seems not quite right. She seems to prefer laying around, roosting, moves about slowly, and is very shy. She is not sneezing, does not have any eye or nostril discharge and is eating and drinking just not as aggressively as the rest of my group. She does not have lice or mites or anything else I can see. She is on chick starter, grass, weeds, and bread as a treat. Should I watch for anything or am I being a freak. This is my first time having chickens after taking a 15 year break so any advice would be appreciated.
Well, I might keep an eye on her, but she seems okay. You aren't paranoid, just a good mommy
They're at an age where dominance games are being played out. Sounds like she could be at the bottom of the totem pole. You may want to put out a 2nd feeder & waterer in case she's being bullied away from the food.
WELL. We are new to the chicken family as well. I assume it is just the pecking order....and she is close to the bottom?

BUT if she is eating and drinking....just relax a little.
She's probably fine, but just in case, I would add vitamins/electrolytes to the water...and maybe feed her some crumbled hard-boiled eggs. I found a vitamin/electrolyte powder at my local feed store, and I've also heard of people giving their chicks some parrot vitamins? Chicks grow at an amazing rate, and they can sometimes get a little touch of vitamin deficiency.

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