Am I a silkie rooster?

These are his chicks now they are 6 months old,there were 5 two roosters and 3 pullits
Thaks so much for letting me know what he is,his nam is Raven and he was an awful mess when I got him he was given to me and I knew nothing of leg mites at the time and I thought his legs and feet looked funny so I posted picutes on another site and was told that he had leg mites and that it was very bad,so I found out what to do and he is fine now.Hes not friendly but he is a nice rooster to the girls.
No wonder he is not friendly,poor guy I had to do so much to him right after I got him that he thinks I`m going to do something to his feet again.
Holy! Is that his spur?!

We had a rooster when I was little, he was evil and we had to get rid of him...he attacked my sister. I don't remember ever seeing his spurs and apparently haven't seen a rooster up close and personal since then.
Yes that is his spur,have to keep it cut or it touches his other leg and makes it uncomtortable for him to walk.He is a daddy again,as of lat night he had four babies,he is such a good rooster,easy on the hens and takes real good care of them,still not friendly.

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