Am I insane? Or is there a chance of some hatching? EBAY EGGS!

Pretty funny becky

Like I dont feed and water daily. Good joke.
And the housing...couldnt agree with you more. Which is why I'm building a new coop. Hopefully where I can combine the pens to some degree. Nobody deserves to be out in this weather. The houses they have now just arent condusive with a heater. And fyi....the babies from this hatch (if that even happens)wont be outside till about april (im sort of a fanatic about everyone staying in as long as possible), so by then everything should be all fixed up.
I like your humor though. hahah. Ask any of my project leaders, or judges whove judged my birds if im quite as abusive as you seem to imply.
She may have meant when things aren't so hectic. Probably didn't mean any harm, just sounded that way. We all have bad times. My last hatch was a disaster. Had 3 chicks out of 7 eggs and all 3 had curled toes and one had a club foot. Two died and I've managed to keep 1 alive and the boots fixed it's toes. Now I have more hatching as I write and one has curled toes. Same breed as the other 3. I'll boot it tomorrow. I want to give it a chance to get up and walk if it can first. The second one of that breed that hatched is acting like the one that had the club foot did. It was shrink wrapped as well too. I know that hen didn't get oyster shell and had laid a few soft shells. She may not have gotten enough calcium when she produced these eggs. I'll save what I can. I am still hand feeding the one that survived. It won't eat on it's own. I'm hoping these that just hatched will teach it to act like a chicken instead of a parakeet.

I've never lost more than 1 chick in a batch, and never had chicks with curled toes. So i'm not having a good week either and it looks like next week won't be any better either. My next hatch is due on the 25th, and there are only 2 of that breed's eggs in it.
Hey, I'm not upset. Maybe a little insulted, but I don't think she meant it that way either. It's just been a bad chicken week

I had one with deformed feet once (a fav and not all five toes fully formed)...called her boots, and she got around okay for awhile. Isnt it funny how some just have this crazy will to live and can pull through so much. I swear I have a silkie that's bionic. haha.
I had a chick hatch last winter with a crossed beak. She didn't make it. So I feel your pain about the crippled chickies. Its no fun
Especially when you watch them work so hard to get out of the shell.
You said in your first post you forgot about some chickens and one roo died of dehydration, I believe thats where becky's coment comes from.
Yes...wildsky youre right....I think the roos death could have been attributed to me. Thats why I feel terrible. Thats not something thats my norm. Thats why I feel so aweful...that was my fault.
We heat with electric heaters so the temp inside the house isn't stable. It's near impossible to keep the bater right. I practically sit here right next to keeping the temps in the safe zone. I've stayed up all night many nights keeping it right. Then get rewardrd with crippled chicks. I'm sitting here right now with one in my left hnd and a tissue to it's bottom because it's bleeding from where it's cord was. Then I have to boot it's feet. A dose of poly vi sol will follow. I'm not used to typing with one hand.
I purchased an assortment of 12 eggs from ebay and I have 7 new chicks that are 2 days old. So it can be done! I got mine from Gabbard Farm Hatching Eggs. In the assortment I got 2 BLO, 2 BO, 2 BCM, 2 EM, 2 SSH and 2 GL 2 SL. I went into lock down with 9 and ended up with 7. Two of them just pipped wrong.
Just my 2 cents, for what it is worth

For me, shipped eggs are always a crap shoot, does not seem to matter where I am buying from. I have had great hatches as well as zero hatches. One thing I have learned, at least for me, weather and distance are a big consideration. I would not have eggs shipped in weather that would either freeze or cook them and EXPRESS SHIPPING is worth it!!! Everyone has their own opinions, this is mine.
My vote is that you concentrate on the survivors & wait to do a spring hatch. I don't think it is terrible that someone questioned your animal husbandry. Perhaps you didn't spell it out well. We don't know where you live. In mean, I live in Michigan and cannot imagine any snow situation so overwhelming that I couldn't shovel out the coop within 12 hours. Please tell us more. There must be something we're missing.

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