am I the only non-girly one around??

That 's what I used to think but...I have two step daughters that I love to death but are naturally girly-grls!!!! It amazes me! I have been helping raise them since they were 5 and 3 and they are just GIRLY!!!! They HATE to get dirty, hate taking care of animals, have to have cutie-cute clothes on, etc. They think I ma crazy, in a good way
Count me in!

I never wear make up, change my own oil, never wear dresses, never had my nails done, never tanned, I cut my own hair and I don't spend money on clothing(I wear my brothers hand me downs).

I hate jewelry. I make fun of all the cheesy jewelry commercials during holidays that imply that is what every woman wants. Lame, give me a chicken.

I also think giving flowers is dumb. They die. The end. Why would you waste money on something that dies in 2 days? Buy a real flower and plant it so you can enjoy it.

I could go on but you get the idea.
WOW - I love you guys errrra Gals.
I am about 75 % tomboy and 25% plain old woman. (The key word in that last sentence is OLD). I had not owned a dress for the last 10 years until last week. I found one on sale for $5.98 at Belks. Said what the heck. I might have to go somewhere.
Jeans and Tees are my normal attire. Tennis shoes or Justin Ropers are what is usually on my feet but
I acutally own 3 pair of sandals. Sandals require a pedicure. Not so much for me but it sure makes my feet more pleasant for everyone else. Don't want to gross anyone out. Hunting and Fishing were my favorite things. Clean my own fish and can skin a rabbit or squirrel in record time. Make up and bubble baths require way to much time to be of any use to me. Hair color is not important. I only see my gray hair once a day and that is first thing in the morning when I comb it. After that its own its own.
My DH thinks I'm cool and my kids think I am crazy.
All is well in my world.
I love to fish and do clean my own and I don't mind baiting my own hook.

I don't wear a lot of make-up. (I have good clear skin and don't need much unless I am going out.)

I love jeans but I also like to wear dresses. No one goes to chucrch from my house in anything but a dress or skirt if they are female.

I don't fuss with my hair. I pull it back when I am at home. It is very long, almost to my waist.

I like a soak in the tub with or without bubblebath.

I do like to have my nails done but get a full blown nail job because I work all day long wiht my hands and cook and cleaning the polish wear off quick.

I am plenty girly. I love being girly.
There are many girlie girls in my family. It drives me nuts when they come over and worry about me because once again I have no make-up my hair is pulled back and I have jeans and a tee shirt on. They think a good birthday gift for ME is an apt. to the salon or a gift card to a nice clothing store. I think it is a waste of money. DH is finally catching on for my birthday he bought me 50lb. of chicken feed and scratch. Now there is something I can use. LOL I can't stand prissyness (is that a word) Fussy girls. I hate wearing make-up but do on occasion (when DH takes me out) I don't own a drees except for my wedding dress. Can't and won't walk in high heels. My mom always worked hard and did "man" things her motto was "WHO needs a man when I can do it myself" I kinda agree. If it breaks I fix it, If it needs built I build it. I can be girly if I have to but my comfort zone is jeans and boots out in the yard with the dirt and chicken poo. Oh yeah someone mentioned liking the smell of chicken poo, I can relate I think horse and cow poo smells like home and i find it comforting.
I don't agree. My DW strikes a good balance between the two types. She can be an absolute smokin' hottie in a little black dress, or the outdoors type camping, canoeing, hiking, running the dogs in agility, etc. IMHO a guy's gotta have both!
Up until about 3 years ago I never owned a pair of sandals. But I always remembered my Walmart trip.
Years (like a 100 years back when I was in my 20's) standing in line at WalMart there was a woman in line in front of me. When I looked down I realized if I ever wore sandals I would make sure my toenails we polished or at least clean.
I will be 55 this month and will never get that picture out of my head. Funny how some things just stay in our feable minds. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday but I remember that. LOL
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2dream, you just made me laugh harder.

Not only women feet can be bad but I have a hard and fast rule about men feet. 99% of men should never wear a pair of sandals in public. What they do with their big ole bear claws in private at home is their business. Men feet can more gross than anything. I tell my girls not to even think about marrying a man who wears sandals. LOL

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