Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

Looks like two of my girls.
Any updates on this? I have two ee (bought them as americauna-but as I have learned they are ee not purebred) and have some doubt about mine one comb bein a lil more red and ridged on the edges than the other at six weeks
Ok so here is my Easter Egger Melody. She made a loud noise today kinda like she was trying to crow.
She is just 20 weeks. None of my hens have laid yet so I don't know
She is a noisy, chatty thing, but very entertaining and purrs.

Is this a rooster?
Can anyone show me their rooster? I see no spike on the legs, do easter egger roosters get those?


Definitely a pullet. She's got the classic EE female wild-type pattern. Don't think she's ready to lay yet though, she doesn't look that red in the face. She must have just been chatty or something scared her
She was too slow coming out of the coop and got left behind in the garage. She may have been upset. That was the loudest noise---never heard it before.

Thanks, she is my sweetie, and we can't have roosters.
She has been suspected by the rest of my family for a while because she is so loud.
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She was too slow coming out of the coop and got left behind in the garage. She may have been upset. That was the loudest noise---never heard it before.

Thanks, she is my sweetie, and we can't have roosters.
She has been suspected by the rest of my family for a while because she is so loud.

I have one hen who is MUCH louder/chattier than the others. Just like I have some girlfriends who are MUCH louder, LOL!

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