Ameraucana coloring help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 29, 2014
We just got our day-old chicks today (so they're 2-3 days old now I guess) and we are passing along 4 of our 5 blue ameraucanas to other people. We are really hoping for a blue one - do any of these look like they'll be blue? (one is hiding underneath another)


They look like Easter Egger chicks to me, not Ameraucanas.

Here are what blue Ameraucana chicks look like from the Ameraucana Breeder's club page

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Do hatcheries lie about what they're sending? We specifically ordered Ameraucanas, I'd be very disappointed to find they sent EEs.
Most hatcheries do not have true Ameraucanas, they have Easter Eggers. They often list them as Americanas (note the spelling difference). Meyer is an exception but their Ameraucana chicks are more expensive. $20 each I think.
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Thanks everyone for your help. We had to place a minimum 25 chick order, but can only keep 6 because we live in town and that's the max we can have. We found buyers for the remaining chicks and someone thinks they're coming to get Ameraucanas, otherwise I wouldn't be so upset about this.

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