Ameraucana coloring help

I'm sorry, but those are Easter Eggers. Few hatcheries sell true Ameraucanas; they seem to think that any bird that lays blue/green eggs is an "Ameraucana." Its fine for people who just want a colorful egg basket and some gentle pets, but rather disappointing for those who want the real thing.
You won't get a blue bird, but you'll get multicolored birds that lay different shades of blue or green eggs. Many of us prefer the Easter eggers to true Ameraucana simply for the variety. Agree if you want true Ameraucana, you'll need to go through Meyer or a private breeder, and be sure the color of the bird is specified. If a breeder can't tell you what color birds they have, or have one color rooster with different colored hens, they're not breeding pure bred birds.
I guess our main concern about having Easter Eggers is we read they are "chatty" i.e. noisy. Is this generally true for the breed? We live in town and want to keep our neighbors happy.
Mine are not noisy. They are very inquisitive and follow me around the yard to see what I am doing. I am another that prefers them to true Ameruacanas just for their variety of feather colors. I have 2 that are orange and black, one that is orange and blue and a fourth that is black and gold.
All my hens are noisy. EE, barred Rocks, Wyandottes, Leghorns, Sussex, Reds, sex links, you name it she seems to want to sing the chorus when she lays an egg. Or when someone else lays an egg...that's a lot of singing!

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