Ameraucana Male or Female?

Can any help me we were told female but acts more like our rooster.
I feel your pain completely. I started raising chickens a year ago with the plans of only having one rooster...I ENDED UP WITH 3!!! Talk about needing a drink :) I'm lucky because I do live in the country and I can get by with roosters (not that I want to but you do end up loving them too). I'm currently raising what are supposed to be 2 female amaraucana's but fear that one may be a male, sigh. I just remember my heart sinking when I found out I had boys and not girls, you are not alone :)
Hey guys- I have been raising a ferel chicken and will be devastated if it's a rooster :/ I love this little guy. Any opinions on male or female???



We just got these.... said to be Americana's with a mix of Sussex. Said to be 6 wks but doubtful. Any ideas on how old and male or female.
Hello!! 14-16 week old Americauna. I was told he is a boy. Today someone said he was a girl. Can I get some opinions from you guys?
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