Ameraucana Projects Thread

My thinking is that a white head spot will be visible on a yellow chick. . I really like sex link and auto sexing. Such useful traits.

sorry No Autosexing nor Sexlinks on yellow Wheaten Buff chicks... Autosexing using wheaten and sex linked barring is not possible, just look at the Delawares, euskal oiloa... or dont go too far to look for this, the Lemon cuckoo Orps, just look at their chicks, thats all you need to see to find out they are not Autosexing..

can you produce Autosexing Lemon Cuckoo Ameraucana? Yes, its been one of my many goals, how would I go about it? by introducing the wildtype e+ e allele need it for autosexing(think legbars, Hambars, welbars, Rhodebars) introducing the e+ allele to the Buff Ameraucana..

the easiest path would be outsourcing a Legbar rooster and mate him to a Buff Ameraucana Hen..

the first cross will produce e+/eWh chicks that will be visible different from pure eWh chicks, they will look alot like wildytpe(at least most of them) use this chicks and cross them back to Buff Ameraucana hen, this will produce 50% eWh/eWh chicks and e+/eWh chicks, keep those e+/eWh chicks(the barred ones) then you can do sibling crossing to produce e+/e+ B/- Lemon Cuckoo pullets and e+/e+ B/B Lemon cuckoo Males that are autosexing, actually you will be able to sex them at hatch...
Didn't plan on it, but ended up with a roo out of blue's that looks like the start of blue laced gold. So I'm starting to work on that. Along with lavender.

I'll try to get pictures this week.

Here is a pic of my blue silver project cockerel. I used blue wheaten x silver then back to silver. Picked up red in the process. He is small for LF. Guess I will cross back to silver.

Here is a pullet from my crele auto sexing project. Her sire also. Mother was a silver Ameraucana. Now to produce a double barred male. Pullet was a late hatch and not at point of lay yet. But then we are getting sub zero temps now so no hatching till spring.
I don't know... I am planning two projects starting this summer - I just need the flock first. ^^ am planning on a silver and black Am as well as another... not sure quite what the description for it would be, let me check and I will let you know... A flower Am
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