ameraucana rooster??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
I ordered 4 ameraucana chicks. All of them look normal except one. It has a lot of grey and blue on it. I'm starting to think its a rooster, but I dont know what an aneraucana rooster looks like. Can anyone tell me or show me what an ameraucana rooster looks like?

Thanks in advance,


His face tufts are coming back from moulting.
How old is this guy. My chicks are around 9 weeks and not much comb development. BUT, I know Rock N Rye is a boy. Just catching him to put in the chick run is a total pain in the ***!
I just had a shocking revelation when I heard what sounded like a small crow from our chicken coop. [COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]Now that I look more closely, I don't know how I didn't see it before. The curving tail feathers, the feathers around the neck?[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]Is our Ameraucana a rooster?? He/She is 17 weeks old. [/COLOR] [/COLOR]
I notice nobody responded to you, but personally I think it's a roo. Definitely looks like it. Sorry nobody answered in time
Are they real ameraucanas or are they hatchery easter eggers?

Easter eggers are mixed breeds so they can look like almost anything. If it is a roo it should have more pronounced 3 ridged peacomb on its head.

How old are they?
Chick go to the Ameraucanas Breeders Club it shows the 8 varieties of babies, hens and roosters. Hope this helps. I got 6 myself and i love them. Deb:jumpy:yiipchick:weee:ya

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