Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Why did you mix the Wyandotte in there? Why not just go Ameraucana to Andalusian?? Assuming you could find an Andalusian with

Wyandotte has a double copy of the lacing gene. I have growing out right now Blue Andalusian that have a double copy of lacing. They are only 5 weeks old. I will have to get pics of them. Once you see them, even that will see a BIG difference in what I am saying between edging and lacing. It is really hard to get rid of the white earlobes from the Andalusian also, that's why I add the brown egg layer gene. Since its a cross with a white egg layer, I will get very light to creme color eggs. The earlobe will be at least light flesh to waxy white. Rose combs are hard to deal with too, when it comes to crossing. That is another good reason to mix them first. It has been the best luck so far. I am getting white skinned, flesh earlobes, no leakage, single gene beard/muff, laced pullets. On my F1, to me, that is awesome. They look like Ameraucana, you can't even tell they are a cross really. If you look at my pics that I have posted of them. They are a little dark toned in blue, but they are definitely laced. Another thing to look for when breeding for blue, if you are using black or splash birds, you should be able to see the lacing or in the current case edging on the breeder birds, to move on to the next generation. It is hard to see this effect on a picture.

I also want to add something, the color of the bird, is not the most important trait. Please look at your SOP, and check out the break down of points. Use these as your guidelines when breeding. I also love the fact that I am getting hybrid vigor. I am not losing size, or egg production either. So I think, as of right now, its going really well!
Here is the link to the lady I get my Andalusians from, she has what I think are the Andies in the country. She sells eggs, chicks, and adults. She took over Tom Roebucks flock two years ago. She has added some Canadian, German, and Spanish blood to the birds. She is from Virginia.
Tom's are the only Andies I have seen that I would consider. Might be the only flock with lacing. You did well to use them. Sounds like you are certainly on the right track. I was not able to see your pics though. Is your web site not finished?? Or am I doing something stupid?? I could not agree more on breeding for type first, but sometimes to get the genes to 'paint the barn', you have to go outside type. I am very interested in this project and would love to see what you have done....stan
Tom's are the only Andies I have seen that I would consider. Might be the only flock with lacing.  You did well to use them. Sounds like you are certainly on the right track. I was not able to see your pics though. Is your web site not finished?? Or am I doing something stupid?? I could not agree more on breeding for type first, but sometimes to get the genes to 'paint the barn', you have to go outside type. I am very interested in this project and would love to see what you have done....stan

Stan, I am redoing my web page. Go to my profile for BYC. The albums are at the bottom of the page.
Wyandotte has a double copy of the lacing gene. I have growing out right now Blue Andalusian that have a double copy of lacing. They are only 5 weeks old. I will have to get pics of them. Once you see them, even that will see a BIG difference in what I am saying between edging and lacing. It is really hard to get rid of the white earlobes from the Andalusian also, that's why I add the brown egg layer gene. Since its a cross with a white egg layer, I will get very light to creme color eggs. The earlobe will be at least light flesh to waxy white. Rose combs are hard to deal with too, when it comes to crossing. That is another good reason to mix them first. It has been the best luck so far. I am getting white skinned, flesh earlobes, no leakage, single gene beard/muff, laced pullets. On my F1, to me, that is awesome. They look like Ameraucana, you can't even tell they are a cross really. If you look at my pics that I have posted of them. They are a little dark toned in blue, but they are definitely laced. Another thing to look for when breeding for blue, if you are using black or splash birds, you should be able to see the lacing or in the current case edging on the breeder birds, to move on to the next generation. It is hard to see this effect on a picture.

I also want to add something, the color of the bird, is not the most important trait. Please look at your SOP, and check out the break down of points. Use these as your guidelines when breeding. I also love the fact that I am getting hybrid vigor. I am not losing size, or egg production either. So I think, as of right now, its going really well!
I has a SLW with a single comb for my project - no rose combs to deal with.
Hum..... yellow legs... those are tricky to breed out. At what point would you test for yellow legs? What generation would it be a deal breaker?

I think this one is over my head but sounds fun.... gives me some idea for some other breeds.
I have considered this for some time and thought about the Wyandotte. They are easier to find. A properly laced Andalusian is as hard to find as a laced Ameraucana. The reason I was thinking good Andalusian is because of egg color, and skin color. I'm not afraid of the single comb or ear lobes. I think you could get rid of them pretty fast, but the brown egg color and the yellow legs seems to last thru many generations... Wyandotts certainly would bring needed size to the mix... how far did you get Jean???....You may cause me to make a trip west!! .....stan

What do you think about this Andalusian's lacing?


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