Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

i see black pullet and blue cockerel

Thanks, could you explain what makes you think this?? their is nothing on the blue's comb.. its like it doesnt even have one.. LOL
Are you going by the feathers?? if so can you teach me what you see??

well mainly because of the tail set , how the birds carry their tails , is a main key i look for
This is my broody, Judy!

Thanks, could you explain what makes you think this?? their is nothing on the blue's comb.. its like it doesnt even have one.. LOL
Are you going by the feathers?? if so can you teach me what you see??

well mainly because of the tail set , how the birds carry their tails , is a main key i look for

wow I wasn't looking at tail feathers I would of said the other way around, I've always figured the sex of my birds within 1st week not that I've had that many. these 2 birds are hard because they may both be roos I think the 1st 1 just hasn't developed his tail feathers yet
what color legs are ameraucanas (white) supposed to have? someone said if they have green legs they are ee chicks and my ee pullets do indeed have green legs but I wouldn't call the color of my chicks legs green more of a grey like my dutch bantam had.
My hatch is due today, tonight actually. By 5:00 am this morning, I had five buff Orps and Welsumer crosses out , with six more pipped. My other incubator has all the purebred Ameracaunas (15) and 4 pure wellies. I only have one Ameracauna and one Wellie just beginning to pip. I think the Ameracaunas just take their time, so be patient. I think this happened last year, too, but I'd have to check my records.

I hope those chicks start for you soon.

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