American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

Thanks Sarkchick yours look like Charlie . I saw Charlie tying to mount Chester the pekin drake he does have a high call but he sounds like he is moaning most of the time he is not aggressive to me at all or the other ducks. now my American ganders are loud and bossy . I have also seen Charlie lie down and pull bits of grass and straw around him like he was trying to make a nest I don't no if that is a gander thing to do. I will try and take more pictures of him he is very private bird doesn't like to have his picture taken.
I've never seen my gander pull sticks and bits of grass around him like my goose will do.
Thanks Sarkchick yours look like Charlie . I saw Charlie tying to mount Chester the pekin drake he does have a high call but he sounds like he is moaning most of the time he is not aggressive to me at all or the other ducks. now my American ganders are loud and bossy . I have also seen Charlie lie down and pull bits of grass and straw around him like he was trying to make a nest I don't no if that is a gander thing to do. I will try and take more pictures of him he is very private bird doesn't like to have his picture taken.
@donkeydew2farms . I'm right with you as far as trying to guess sex. I know the larger one on the right with solid black bill is a gander. It's the one on the left with orange on the bill that I'm questioning. It's voice is dealer and my blue Sweedish drakes try to mount it. I have been told by a couple that it also is a gander. Wish they had an easy tell like the drake curl.

They are my first geese. I got the eggs from my cousins Toulouse female. There was a African and a Brn Chinese gander. So not sure what they are. Hatched them in a incubator with the ducks.

Mounting does not prove gander. It can mean a frustrated and confused young goose thats dominant. Lobes on their belly, and/or shorter necks, legs.. lower voices means goose. Will hopefully be able to post a few pictures soon to show the differences in body types.
jchny2000 I wanted to take pictures yesterday got home to late we been having a lot of rain standing water every where when I got home I had no yard left ha duck heaven mud every where . was going to take pics this morning truck broke down had to get a battery so may be tomorrow. you really have to love ducks to put up with there mud making.
jchny2000  I wanted to take pictures yesterday got home to late we been having a lot of rain standing water every where when I got home I had no yard left ha duck heaven mud every where . was going to take pics this morning truck broke down had to get a battery so may be tomorrow. you really have to love ducks to put up with there mud making. 

At least their not making "mud pies". We also have had plea you of rainy days. But they do love it. And I love watching them.
So I have these two American buff geese.... Originally thought they were a pair, now thinking maybe both females? Can anybody help?

Buff 1

Buff 1

Buff 2
Mounting does not prove gander. It can mean a frustrated and confused young goose thats dominant. Lobes on their belly, and/or shorter necks, legs.. lower voices means goose. Will hopefully be able to post a few pictures soon to show the differences in body types.
Well if it is a her and her "man" (the drake) is crippled then she is just trying to help things along. I bet she would brood you some eggs if you gave her a nest. You can give her some straw and a fake egg to sit on and see what she does with it.
So I have these two American buff geese.... Originally thought they were a pair, now thinking maybe both females? Can anybody help?

Buff 1

Buff 1

Buff 2
Buffs are a bit harder to tell, are the voices alike? Having the 2 lobes (belly flaps) and the short necks tell me both are goose.
My buff gander had a longer neck, and very shrill call.

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