American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!



Bath time in the pool!

Natasha finished with her bath

All clean after a bath!

They did not really like the camera today. If I would crouch Boris would start to hiss and come at me. If I stand up he would turn tail. He gets a little brave every now and again.
I love their coloring!
Thanks, I love the color too! Boris has better coloring than Natasha. He overall is a much better quality goose as well. Like both the same though.
Just thought I'd subscribe to this thread. I ordered two pair of goslings from Holderread for this spring. One pair American Lavender and one blue pair. I'm really looking forward to getting them. These will be my first American geese.
We have one Brecon Buff gander here, though someone told us he was an American buff - Brecon buffs have very pink beaks (but they are very rare) ours must be a cross bread :) He is lovely!

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