American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

You know when a goose is broody she stays on the eggs all day for 30-33 days and only comes off her eggs maybe every 2-5 days! Some never come off but the weather may be hot but she would still have to sit on the eggs all the time
Hello! I am new to geese. I just got a trio of American buff goslings. They are three weeks old. I seem to be having a few problems. I am treating one of them for what I believe to be a niacin deficiency. He has a swollen leg and very lethargic. I am putting 250 mg Niacin in a gallon of water and giving him that all day. He is on game bird starter. It has been 5 days and no improvement. Any advice? Also a question : I put in game starter and they do not seem interested in the crumbles at all. All they seem to want to eat is lettuce and greens. Can they have too many greens at this point. Should I not give them the greens if that's all they will eat? Also, if I am giving game bird starter - is there such thing as too much Niacin? I also have Ancona ducklings and I have been giving them the same food/water with Niacin - does anyone know about them (too much Niacin?)

Congrats on your new goslings!

A swollen leg indicates an injury and leg injuries can take a long time to heal. Not sure about the lethargy, but it could be a symptom of pain as opposed to a deficiency.

There is no such thing as too much grass. Grass and dandelions are the best things your little ones can eat. I prefer to supplement a primarily grass diet with Mazuri waterfowl, Purina Start n Grow, or Flockraiser. I would not feed anything above 20% protein.

There is absolutely such a thing as too much niacin. My vet cautions against over supplementing niacin. He advises for adult geese, it should be no more than 1tsp brewer's yeast (human grade) per day. He also says that if geese are on grass, you should not need to supplement at all.
Congrats on your new goslings!

A swollen leg indicates an injury and leg injuries can take a long time to heal. Not sure about the lethargy, but it could be a symptom of pain as opposed to a deficiency.

There is no such thing as too much grass. Grass and dandelions are the best things your little ones can eat. I prefer to supplement a primarily grass diet with Mazuri waterfowl, Purina Start n Grow, or Flockraiser. I would not feed anything above 20% protein.

There is absolutely such a thing as too much niacin. My vet cautions against over supplementing niacin. He advises for adult geese, it should be no more than 1tsp brewer's yeast (human grade) per day. He also says that if geese are on grass, you should not need to supplement at all.
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He never grew at all. The others were three times his size, although they started out the same. The two females are really thriving. They have been eating like two pounds of organic salad per day (no spinach). Very expensive. I can't wait until we have grass to feed them! I think I am going to stop Niacin supplements.
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He never grew at all. The others were three times his size, although they started out the same. The two females are really thriving. They have been eating like two pounds of organic salad per day (no spinach). Very expensive. I can't wait until we have grass to feed them! I think I am going to stop Niacin supplements.
So sorry you lost your gosling..... You are better off using brewer's yeast so they do not get O.Ded with the niacin.
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He never grew at all. The others were three times his size, although they started out the same. The two females are really thriving. They have been eating like two pounds of organic salad per day (no spinach). Very expensive. I can't wait until we have grass to feed them! I think I am going to stop Niacin supplements.
Hi sara. Sorry to hear about your gosling. Doesn´t sound like it was only niacin deficiency, though. Unfortunately we do get the odd one that just doesn´t grow. I get them with my chickens, too, just on the odd occasion.
As regards niacin, it´s an important vitamin for them, so don´t rule it out altogether, I give it to mine just now and again, because although they´re all on grass, (spring grass is full of goodness, but winter grass isn´t so much) I have had the odd few in need of it..not wanting to or can´t walk, but not sick either...So I give them all Brewers Yeast as a tonic, and they´re right as rain in a day or two. The ok birds benefit too, of course.
If you don´t want to feed the niacin as such, you can make sure they get romaine lettuce, as it´s high in niacin. But keep an eye on their walking abilities, that´s all.....have fun with your gozzies.

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