American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

Beautiful, and glad to see yours are always looking for something to eat too, sure wish I had that lush grass, hard to come by in the mountains with such rocky soil.
Thank you
Here on the plains, with as much rain as we've had this year, the grass is really lush. So are the weeds but they seem to like the weeds too. In fact, they were so busy eating, I had trouble getting them to look towards me so I could get a pic.
Thank you
Here on the plains, with as much rain as we've had this year, the grass is really lush. So are the weeds but they seem to like the weeds too. In fact, they were so busy eating, I had trouble getting them to look towards me so I could get a pic.
That's what I mean it's so hard to get a pic of them standing up they are always eating and have their head down lol

I am getting grass started in various places here but it's so hard. so much rock and not alot of soil. Never thought I'd care a hoot about grass.

Keep the pics coming enjoy them so much. I just love the color of these Buffs.
That's what I mean it's so hard to get a pic of them standing up they are always eating and have their head down lol

I am getting grass started in various places here but it's so hard. so much rock and not alot of soil. Never thought I'd care a hoot about grass.

Keep the pics coming enjoy them so much. I just love the color of these Buffs.

I love their color too. It's such a beautiful mix of cream, tan, and brown.

This is the first time in three years we've had much in the way of grass. The drought was so bad, all we had was some scraggly, crunchy weeds. But the rain came back this year and with it the grass and its so thick! I forgot how nice it was to have thick green grass under foot.
I love their color too. It's such a beautiful mix of cream, tan, and brown.

This is the first time in three years we've had much in the way of grass. The drought was so bad, all we had was some scraggly, crunchy weeds. But the rain came back this year and with it the grass and its so thick! I forgot how nice it was to have thick green grass under foot.
I bet and when you don't have it for a while makes you appreciate it so much more, and what a nice thing to have when you have hungry goslings. lol

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