American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

well breeding season is coming , I saw my two ganders pushing and shoving in the pool this week end . also the older gander was breeding the young female in the pool plus he tried to attack my donkey through the fence it was funny. I want to make new nest boxes for them I was thinking of the A frame type but I am open for suggestion. I want to be able to move it around . I had a dog house last year but the chickens have it now. I found that it held moisture and got yaky . my older pair will be 2 years they laid eggs last year but didn.t set. so I am hoping this year will be good just hope the weather stays nice I rather have rain then the snow we had last march. thanks.
I just just subscribed to this thread! I have an 8 month old pair of American's I purchased from Holderread last spring. I'm not really trying to breed to sell, mostly just for my own enjoyment.

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in body structure between the blues and the lavenders? I ordered a sexed pair of blues, but he was low on blue ganders I guess, so he subbed in a lavender gander. I think he is lovely and am not upset about the sub. I do notice however, that he is slighter than she is. They are about the same height, but she is heavier looking than he is. Is she just maybe a bit better quality? Or do lavenders tend to be a bit lighter weight? I didn't know if maybe the lav gene causes less bulk? Or do american ganders grow a bit slower than the goose?

Thanks for any answers I get! Everyone's birds are beautiful! I look forward to following this thread.
I just just subscribed to this thread!  I have an 8 month old pair of American's I purchased from Holderread last spring.  I'm not really trying to breed to sell, mostly just for my own enjoyment. 

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in body structure between the blues and the lavenders?  I ordered a sexed pair of blues, but he was low on blue ganders I guess, so he subbed in a lavender gander.  I think he is lovely and am not upset about the sub.  I do notice however, that he is slighter than she is.  They are about the same height, but she is heavier looking than he is.  Is she just maybe a bit better quality?  Or do lavenders tend to be a bit lighter weight?  I didn't know if maybe the lav gene causes less bulk?  Or do american ganders grow a bit slower than the goose?  

Thanks for any answers I get!  Everyone's birds are beautiful!  I look forward to following this thread.   

From my understanding they're supposed to be the same just different colors

hese are my blues from holderread and I have buffs from mezta farms which are about 5months old.the blues are in the back
well breeding season is coming , I saw my two ganders pushing and shoving in the pool this week end . also the older gander was breeding the young female in the pool plus he tried to attack my donkey through the fence it was funny. I want to make new nest boxes for them I was thinking of the A frame type but I am open for suggestion. I want to be able to move it around . I had a dog house last year but the chickens have it now. I found that it held moisture and got yaky . my older pair will be 2 years they laid eggs last year but didn.t set. so I am hoping this year will be good just hope the weather stays nice I rather have rain then the snow we had last march. thanks.
So far none here but it's been so cold they don't have a pool to push and shove in.

I found this online , I think it would make a perfect nesting brooding and hatching house as long as you made it secure.
Misslydia that's what I want were did you fine that ? do you remember were you saw it? I am surprised you have been getting colder weather then us here in Ky. this last week has been crack the ice week but it is going to warm up. oh I wanted to ask do you feed hay to your geese and if so what kind. I have hay for my donkeys but it is rolled it is very hard to get square bales here. I did get compressed hay timothy and gave them some they picked at it they rather have peas and corn on the cob also greens. The people at food lion must think I eat very healthy Ha.
Misslydia that's what I want were did you fine that ? do you remember were you saw it? I am surprised you have been getting colder weather then us here in Ky. this last week has been crack the ice week but it is going to warm up. oh I wanted to ask do you feed hay to your geese and if so what kind. I have hay for my donkeys but it is rolled it is very hard to get square bales here. I did get compressed hay timothy and gave them some they picked at it they rather have peas and corn on the cob also greens. The people at food lion must think I eat very healthy Ha.
I knew this was going to take half the page..

2013 I bought timothy hay at Southern States and one of my chickens got an impacted crop from eating it so since my geese weren't that interested anyway I never bought any more.

We had low teens since Monday over night now it is going to moderate and rain, Hopefully the spring will thaw and mine can have some bath water.

I am seeing Sam and Missy pairing and Babe and Toots going off together but I have a feeling once breeding begins Sam is going to want both females. Not sure how Babe will react to that. We shall see. It's so funny though if either pair gets out of sight of the other they start hollering till they are back together again.

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