American Buff Geese - Afraid/Hiding?


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2019
Hello Everyone,
I am new to the forum and I wish that I had joined under better circumstances. So here is my dilemma, less than a week ago I purchased 2, one year old(roughly), female American Buffs from craigslist. They had just started laying eggs, and I have had geese in the past but these were unnaturally afraid it seemed. The people I purchased them from were not gentile when I went to retrieve them. They preferred that we not meet at their house, so the geese were already caged when I met up with them. The husband grabbed each one by the arch of the wings to get them in the to my cage. I did not think it was necessary, they were afraid but when I got them home I reached in, despite their hissing, wrapped my arms around them and gently pulled them out.

Anyway, it was late when I got home but I had a covered 10' x 10' x 4' dog kennel set up already with a shelter. I let my other animals run around when I am home so I thought this would be a good way for the geese to get used to the ducks and chickens since again they seemed very afraid of everything. The next day everything seemed fine, the one goose left a very small egg outside of the shelter in the dirt, they would not eat, only drink water on occasion. When I got home, I tried to feed them a few different things but no luck. When I rolled the recycling bin across the driveway they went absolutely berserk, trying to fit through the fence, I wasn't even close to them, I'd say 200 feet away at least.

The second morning no eggs, they still were not eating, and they were in the pen. There was a lot of heavy wind that day and the cover blew off of one of the corners of the Kennel and one of the geese were able to escape. My daughter called me while I was at work, the goose was gone, she could not find it anywhere. I said it was probably hiding and sure enough, about 4 hours later it came back. The second goose had some abnormality in one of its wings, I was told it was from too much protein as a gosling, and that the wing had been tied up at one point, so it could not fly. When I got home the goose that had flown out was hanging around the outside of the dog kennel, there was only two of us at the time so we could not convince her to go back in the kennel.

Since I was working outside I decided to let the chickens and ducks out, and I kept checking on the goose, every corner of the yard had a chicken or duck in it everything was fine. I was waiting for more people so we could get her back in the pen. I was out front shoveling, and my neighbor down back started to bring his garbage can to the road, I heard a flapping of wings so I went out back and no goose. The other animals were going about their business, unconcerned, and I looked for that goose for over an hour until the sun went down. There was no signs of a predator, no feathers, nothing, there were two adults outside, and a bunch of easier targets if it were a predator, It was just gone without a trace. The next day still no goose, I came home and spent 4 hours in the woods, looking under sheds, knocking on neighbors doors, checking out local ponds could not find a trace. The goose still in the pen paces the wall back and forth, always the same wall, this morning was the start of day two since the first had vanished, the second goose had an egg in the dirt like the first one did.... still will not eat, it is afraid of everything I just don't understand.

So my question is, is it normal for a goose to hide for a day or two when its that afraid? And what should I do about the other goose, its constantly freaking out like it was abused or something I've just never dealt with this type of behavior in an animal before. I'm used to animals that are nervous, don't want to be touched, or who don't want anybody near them but they usually settle down after you walk away. This one constantly paces that fence I watch her from the upstairs window, she just does not stop. What should I do?
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I am so sorry these geese don’t sound like they have had a very good life do they fill under weight? It’s normal for geese to be wary about new places and they don’t handle change well but this sounds extreme. And now that the goose is alone just compounds the being scared not settling in. Is the goose right out in the open in this pen? Is there shelter for it to get into for safety and security? I can’t image where the other one could be but if you could find another goose friend for this one it may help or maybe try putting some of your ducks in with it for security. As long as it doesn’t become aggressive. Have you pretty much decided the one that got away is gone for good? I’d def try and find a goose friend for this Buff having each other was very important to each of them. If this Buff hasn’t anywhere to get where it feels secure it needs something a large dog house something it can get into.
Hello Miss Lydia,
Thank you for the reply, the shelter in this pen is much like a dog house, enclosed, private, full of hay but she refuses to go in it. She still won't eat, or if she is she's eating very little. I was out talking to her today and she didn't seem as panicked but she still spends a lot of her time pacing. I'm going to put her in with the ducks tomorrow... I love my ducks they are so friendly I'm just concerned about her hurting them.

As far as the other goose, still no sign of her, all of my neighbors are watching out for her, I went out looking for her again today... it's just incredible.... completely vanished.
It would be very hard for a large Buff goose to not be seen. Possibly a predator? So sorry. There is always hope though:)

I think giving her time she will relax more. I hope putting her in with the ducks will help her calm down. She really needs some one to be there to help her she just lost her buddy and then a new home on top of it. Please lt me know how it goes. Maybe try a little experiment by putting some of the ducks in with her first. That way they won't be looking at her as invading their turf. She is the newbie they are the residents. Let her and them get use to one another on level ground so to speak.
I just don't see how it could be a predator, the goose was in the middle of the yard, surrounded by a bunch of unsuspecting chickens, nobody was disturbed, I was outside, no feathers, no noise, no anything. I suppose it could of went into hiding and something found it during the night but I have looked everywhere, contacted everyone.

That said, I talk to the remaining goose every morning, and evening, her food seems to be slowly disappearing now, and her pacing has slowed down. She still refuses to sit in the shelter with the hay and prefers the cold ground next to the shelter. The ducks hang around the pen when I let them out, maybe she sees that the ducks aren't afraid of me and is starting to realize that i'm not going to hurt her I don't know. Thank you for your help, I keep looking for her to come back, I search out my truck window every time I leave, and come home, from work hoping to catch a glimpse in someones yard or pond but I think its just wishful thinking.
That’s what I was thinking over night out by herself is when a predator may have gotten her. But you just never know. Have you a lot of ponds in your area. We know she didn’t fly off so she’d be on foot. I hope she does show up . Sounds like your making progress with the goose I think she’ll settle down no telling what kind of life they had before to be so terrified of everything. Poor babies.
Yes, we have a lot of small ponds in the area, I remain hopeful that she will turn up. My Fiance called and said she had been talking to the remaining goose for about an hour, she tried to get the goose to eat some grapes but she still refuses to eat. The goose hissed at her and honked a couple of times because she heard the ducks which is different. She also started splashing around in the water and grooming herself after my fiance was out there for awhile as well so the situation is improving it seems. Hopefully she will start eating soon and hopefully if the other goose is still out there she will hear the first one honking and come home. Thank you again
I hope so too. I am glad to hear she maybe warming up to the ducks. No telling what kind of life they had before ya’ll. Please post some pics when you get a chance.
Unbelievable!!! She's alive.... I heard honking this morning and there she was in the neighbor's yard. Granted, we are on the side of a hill but I watched this bird fly from the neighbors house, past my second story window, around my house, over the top of the goose pen, and half way across the adjacent field.

I have absolutly no idea how I'm going to get her but she's alive... hiding for 3 almost 4 days.

Edit: Haha, it's taking her forever to walk back up the hill.... guess that flying bit has its downfalls
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Since she can fly that presents a problem. But maybe her buddy will get her to the pen and if you can muster up enough help you can make like a chain so she can't get through or fly off. That is absolutely amazing that she is still alive and such great news!! I doubt the Buff female I had could have flown.

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