American Buff Geese - Afraid/Hiding?

I think that I read somewhere that they had limited flight at year 1, but the older and heavier they got they lost the ability around year 2.

In this case I had a decision to make and I hope I made the correct one. The pacing started again, still no eating... I could not let this go on, the goose that escaped stayed distant, even with the other animals running around.... I felt it was either let her starve, let them both be alone and depressed, or just let her out and hope for the best. I weighed my decision carefully, they obviously know where their home is now so I let her out....

She was reluctant to come out at first, but she eventually did.... they reunited, and about 20 min later started eating with the other animals. Then they started eating the grass, and then they jumped in the water and started splashing around, the ducks joined them but kept their distance.

Every now and again my rooster, little abner, got curious but they didn't seem to bother him. I stood out there for about 2 hours, I did some odd and end things, and eventually they started ignoring the fact that I was even there.

I have no idea if this was the right move, right now it sure seems like it, and I have no idea if they will go back in the pen on their own, or one of the coups, tonight but at least, for now, they seem to be happy and eating.

Pfft.... teenagers :)


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Hello Miss Lydia,
They are out playing in the water today. I waited outside well after dark, until I was frozen, last night waiting for them to go back in. I ended up going inside, leaving the back light on while i ate dinner. When I snuck back out they had decided to lay under the back porch. So, i did my best to block them in and i went to bed.

I don't have too much trouble with predators, its usually someone's dog that kills my pets, random and unexpectedly.... but the geese are fine, I let them back out today and all is well.

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