American Gamefowl Thread!!!!

WOW this is so cool to find out what on earth these guys are. When I first saw your Highme I said: thats Limpy! I need to take a new picture, that one is 1 yr old. He is more beautiful now. I personally feed him so he all the good stuff my birdies get. I wish he could live at home with me but he is a ghetto blaster/boom box noise maker SO he has to live at the stables where my horse is. I don't think my neighbors would take too kindly to his talking.

About Pharow, someone told me he had polish because of the toppie, its nice to find out he is OEGB & AGF. He is a fighting fool when by another rooster but with me he is a teddy bear. Likes to be held on his back and have his feet rubbed.....

I have a question; little Missy does not make noises and does not lay eggs. I have only had her for a month now and she is still getting her vim & vigor built up. Is there any way to tell how old a bird is?? I am just curious. She will stay with me until she dies. She cannot roost, nor climb the ramp to the coop and I am afraid to place her in there with all the other gremlins overnight so she comes in the house with me and we hang together in the evening. She loves watching TV on my lap. I am a softee.

To be truly honest I am not sure...They all appear to be young like less than two. With that particular bird, aging would proably be a hard task but I would say she is young. Read this may help.

With special needs chickens, we know there is a problem with the brain but what we sometimes fail to realize is that there can be physical complications as well. For instance, not laying (i'd expect an egg any day, you've had her a month and it's spring) that could be a physical problem maybe with her reproductive organs. Her comb and wattles may not grow ore grow too large. Do you know how she got this problem (car accident? Dog?) that may help figure out why she's not laying. I'll try to find a better answer to this question if that link doesn't help. LET ME KNOW!

Good Luck


Little Missy originally came from the dog pound (believe it or not). My neighbor, who picked her up, thought she was a baby and he had her about a year [he thinks] and she never grew. There is no history on her so I have no idea what could have happened to her. Physical problems present as; uncoordinated walking, bowlegged appearance when walking, legs too far apart. She does high stepping when she does trot, and she doesn't seem have good control over the muscles. Her feet are slightly misshaped, but she does have alot of gripping strength in them. When eating she has trouble gauging the distance to the water & food. When she first came to me she could barely stand, let alone walk. It took about 2 weeks of tons of good quality food and TLC to get her walking better. She also never preened herself and was a mass of tubes. I preened her every AM and broke up all those wax tubes. Now she does it herself. Her poops were very strange looking and she always verbally squeaked when she did poop a watery mess with tiny little solids in it. I give her extra protien and yogurt as well and the poops are slowly getting more normal looking with less verbal squeaking from her. Even tho she is high maitanence, she is so worth it to me.

And she will never ever set foot in a wire bottom cage again, thats my promise to her.
P.S. I hope I was not too long winded.......
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You are truly an amazing person with a heart of gold. I know that Missy will be well taken care of for the rest of her life and would bet money you never break that promise to her.

God Bless You for loving those animals the way you do...They are truly some of the lucky ones.


Good conversation is never considered to long winded by me......Talk to me anytime!

Well I have another rescue story for you involving a AGF hen. This hen came from the same home as my Missy did. She spent her entire 7-9 months of life in a wire bottom cage segregated too. I resuced her one week after Little Missy. She was in good health but atrophied wing muscles from lack of being able to fly. I realized after some days that there was something "special" about her. When she was out free-ranging in my backyard I noticed ANYONE could walk up to her and pick her up. She has NO fear of humans. She was terrified of the other chickens and always would run and jump on me when I came out to the coop. She never wanted to stay in the coop always with humans. Since I have so much going on with 2 other special needs girls I felt she deserved a home that could give her one on one attention.

I posted an ad on Craigslist and the Gods were looking down on me when THE right family answered the ad! They have chickens of their own but none of those girls were especially friendly with humans. They have an 8yr old high-functioning autistic son that just loves those chickens. They wanted to get one just for him. AHHH it was a match made in heaven!!!

When the father and son came to get her, I was letting her free-range and I said to the son: "there she is go get her". He walked right over and picked her up with no resistance of any kind. Off she goes to her new home with me crying.......

Here is a reply I got yesterday when I inquired as to how she is doing;
Well Baylene is queen bee. She does not know she is a chicken. She does not get along great with all the hens so in the morning she is let out of the coop-run area and gets the whole backyard with the dogs. Problem is she thinks shes a dog. When I call them [dogs] for breakfast&dinner she comes running. She tries to steal their raw-hide bones, follows them in the house- its hysterical. I let the other girls out in the afternoons and she stays to herself. She sleeps in the coop with them no problems and if I pull an Araucana out with her in the mornings they get along fine. She wants to be a house chicken. One time I found her in the bread basket on top of my refrigerator. She is the best flyer of them all.
In the evenings DS [did not want to use his name without permisson]likes to cuddle with her on the couch. She does enjoy a foot massage!
She really is a special chicken!

She is not the prettiest chicken in the whole but by golly she is the most special!
I hope this story makes your day..........
That is a right handsome couple there! I really do like the smooth /sleek "hawkish" look of the "gamies".
BTW---you sure do know alot about these guys.
I am impressed!

I got the HOSPITAL running right now at my house, for a 5ish month old game-mutt roo, that got the sh*t beat outta him by his 3 roo cellmates. [same age] This is over at the horse stables. He has a huge hole in the back of his head and other assorted stuff. Took him home, gave him a warm bath, soaked off the blood/ disinfected the wound/ neosporin and paper taped it closed, sort of.
He is feeling good but it is gonna take a while for that hole to heal. Some infection, but not too bad.
Time to separate the roos.........
The guy that owns the place is SO retro-active.....makes me
Thank you for the compliment....My knowledge comes from alot of years breeding and raising show chickens.....In time I think that the breed will become the most popular of all the show chickens.......As for your experiance, it happens. At times my roosters will get loose and fight and kill each other simply because that is what they were bred to do. Of course, I try to prevent this but accidents happen. Just be careful with young roosters, one morning they'll be fine together and the next one will be living and all the others gone. I separate them as soon as I know they're roosters to prevent loss....

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