American serama thread!

i have heard incubator temps can determine sex, can't remember specifics, don't know if its true- other theories are the hen determines it, may be something to that, i quit hatching for that reason too, one thing a friend does is caponize her extras and let them freerange to take care of bugs

My understanding is that pullets can handle cooler incubator temps better than the males. Males can handle higher. So in theory, if your run cooler the males die, therefor the ratio is higher for pullets. Then just do it the opposite for boys. Not sure how much truth there is to that otherwise, hatcheries would really use that.
What is the dosage of Wazinefor seramas? My smaller flock of LF chickens have them, and have been wormed. We had let our 6 week old seramas play in the shared grass area a couple days. They aren't showing any signs, but I'm afraid that if I wait until they do, it will be too late.
the only dosage i find is per gallon, so it wouldn't matter on size of bird i don't think
Thanks for the info on Wazine. We used 1 tsp for the 1/2 gallon for 9 birds. They didn't drink it all, but it was teh only water available all day. Think they got enough?

My neighbor hatched 10 or 11. 9 survived and there are 5 roos. Just a tad worse than 50% of those that lived. She had quite a few eggs in the incubator tho. Not sure the percentage of survivors from the hatch. What is the average you can expect from an incubator with seramas?
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Here's my little girl. She's grown a lot since i last posted pictures.

3 weeks:


Wow, I really don't know how to say this. I just posted pictures of my beautiful little Serama, and now she is no longer with us. I went out to their outside brooder and they were just dead. They weren't in the sun, they had food and water.

Well, I caught the Serama bug, so I am wondering if anyone has any eggs for sale, and at what prices. I still don't know if I'm 'allowed' to hatch right now, but I just wanted to check.
Wow, I really don't know how to say this. I just posted pictures of my beautiful little Serama, and now she is no longer with us. I went out to their outside brooder and they were just dead. They weren't in the sun, they had food and water.

Well, I caught the Serama bug, so I am wondering if anyone has any eggs for sale, and at what prices. I still don't know if I'm 'allowed' to hatch right now, but I just wanted to check.
i am so sorry!! that happens and it just kills me- i think partly because they are so small
Awwww...that bites! I totally agree with Artsyrobin... At least with my seramas in MY area, I've found them to so much less hardy than my other chickens, bantam or LF. Maybe it's different in year round warm areas??? Sorry about your little pullet chick...

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