American serama thread!

I filmed my pair of Seramas with their chicks using the GoPro Hero Three - Black Edition Camera....thought everyone might like to seem them in action around the backyard!

Very nice!!!
We picked up one of the new pairs today. The other pair's hen decided to lay last night and today, so the person wants to wait and see if they hatch any. I don't blame her, they're a lovely pair and his stance is wonderful. It's also their first clutch. So Frodo the frizzle and Galadriel are home with us and we'll see what comes of the others.
Gives me time to get more names of Tolkien's female characters around anyway. I'll try to post some pics of Frodo and Galadriel tomorrow.
Oh they are about 1 and a half month old and why did u think the black one has some red jungle fowl in it just curious because u said of how the tail looks like and can u help me with is it a male or female and i live in mn. 

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer you....The two girls are older than a month and a 1/2..they have all their feathers in so are more like 2-3 months. Both girls backs are very long and they have a very horizontal stance. It APPEARS in these pics that they have white legs, another NON serama trait...

On the big tall one, that bird still has down feathers on its head so its around the 2 month mark. Because the picture is sorta washed out on the top of the head it is hard to see comb development. Does this bird have a red stripe down its leg? {this is a FOR SURE way to tell boy from girl] He stands very upright, has a long neck and a whip shaped tail which are all suggestive of game fowl of some kind. The feather coloring suggests that this is a girl. One last thing, game fowl have very tight fitting feathers [like your two girls] this one does not, but its still young so....
It would not surprize me if he/she is a mix of a few breeds..barnyard mix aka: barnis LOL

Hope this is helpful :fl
I know cross breeding isn't all that popular but does anyone have picks of a serama x D'Ucle? I have 3  Mille Fluer D'Ucle pullets in with my Class C serama and was wondering what te offspring might look like.


I crossed a NN with serama BUT the pair I chose has SUPER personalities. SO I got a roo that has the best of both... In the serama world some breeders are working on the millie fleur color, just is that NN/serama boy...


Because this guy turned out SO nice I tried again and the chick is 5 days old but has no naked neck....SO its a crapshoot as to what you are gonna get when you cross breed. The only thing I know will be the same is the personality...


SameNN hen and Serama cock.....on botht hese birds...MAMA is a barred color and PAPA is black with white hackles and saddle feathers....where did the solid white come from?? :D ;)
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Here we go
I have one hen she either lays a gel egg or a grape size egg she is the only one that was given to me the other I purchased from scna show or from Jerry hummm that might be y she was given to me any suggestions
I like WildWorks rooster over this over exaggerated type. I know it is just what I prefer. How do those things eat or drink and how long do they live? Just looks deformed to me.

They actually look like a normal serama. People train the table tops to bend that way it a certain movement or noise. It makes their pose perkier.
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