American serama thread!

Hi there!!
I have a little giant no fan but has the rotatory thingy in it incubator. I'm debating going dry until the 18th day, like someone else put on here...very confusing though. I bought 15 Serama eggs and they arrived today at 4pm. I undid them but left them in their egg carton for that 24 hour "settle" time and then tomorrow I plan on putting them in the incubator...and then crossing my fingers!!! lol How do I tell how old the eggs are? So I know when to go into "lockdown"??
Thank you again for answering my questions....

He's at it again! Lol!
Hi there!!
I have a little giant no fan but has the rotatory thingy in it incubator. I'm debating going dry until the 18th day, like someone else put on here...very confusing though. I bought 15 Serama eggs and they arrived today at 4pm. I undid them but left them in their egg carton for that 24 hour "settle" time and then tomorrow I plan on putting them in the incubator...and then crossing my fingers!!! lol How do I tell how old the eggs are? So I know when to go into "lockdown"??
Thank you again for answering my questions....
HI and welcome,

You count from the day you put them in the incubator..............not the age of the egg.
So, if you put them in Thursday the 6th.....hatch day three weeks later........lockdown day 18
Some folks report earlier hatch day 19........mine always go 21 days............
Is the rotatory thing a turner?
Have fun and keep us updated..................
Hello I'm new to raising serama chickens and I'm wondering right now here in Texas we are having some odd weather tonight is going to hit low 30's will my lil seramas be alright being outside
Sorry, this is late.......If they are safe from wind likely OK.
Hope someone in your area chimes in.
I brought all my Seramas in the house when it turned nasty but we have wind ( like 100 mile gusts )
and it is wet from rain...
Good luck
Hello I'm new to raising serama chickens and I'm wondering right now here in Texas we are having some odd weather tonight is going to hit low 30's will my lil seramas be alright being outside
Make sure you have a heat lamp on them and out of the elements, wind ect. They aren't cld tolerant birds. I wrap heavy plastic around mine, with a heat lamp on them. I understand the "crazy weather", I'm in Ms. We are also having unuaslly cold weather! Good luck. Also, depending on how many you have you could bring them inside for the night. Before I had a covered area I placed blankets over the cages with a small fan heater underneath (heat rises). What kind do you have?
HI and welcome,

You count from the day you put them in the incubator..............not the age of the egg.
So, if you put them in Thursday the 6th.....hatch day three weeks later........lockdown day 18
Some folks report earlier hatch day 19........mine always go 21 days............
Is the rotatory thing a turner?
Have fun and keep us updated..................:D
Post pics when they hatch!!
Yes, the rotary thing is a egg turner. I will get the terms I am really nervous about these poor little eggs, I have 15 and from reading on here, if 1/3rd of them hatch, I'm ahead of the game...that just doesn't seem right. I have to build a brooder and there are some excellent examples on this site. I have three weeks or less to get it ready, but that won't be a problem. I hope. I am putting my eggs in the incubator today around 4pm...keep your fingers crossed!!!

Thank you for answering me and giving me that much needed boost of security....
Yes, the rotary thing is a egg turner. I will get the terms I am really nervous about these poor little eggs, I have 15 and from reading on here, if 1/3rd of them hatch, I'm ahead of the game...that just doesn't seem right. I have to build a brooder and there are some excellent examples on this site. I have three weeks or less to get it ready, but that won't be a problem. I hope. I am putting my eggs in the incubator today around 4pm...keep your fingers crossed!!!

Thank you for answering me and giving me that much needed boost of security....
You can use nearly anything for a brooder. I usually start my "just hatched" babies out in a 10 gallon aquarium. It is very good about keeping the heat in and I can watch them easily. When I notice them starting to move toward the side of the aquarium away from the light then I move them into the larger brooder. It's a rabbit cage and works wonderfully since I can put roosts in there, hang the water, and clean it easily. Many people use large plastic totes as brooders. Good luck and post pics!
Sorry, this is late.......If they are safe from wind likely OK.
Hope someone in your area chimes in.
I brought all my Seramas in the house when it turned nasty but we have wind ( like 100 mile gusts )
and it is wet from rain...
Good luck
Holy cow that's some serious weather!
We've been SUPER warm here (80s) and in the last few days the temps dropped like 20 degrees during the day and the wind picked up. Thankfully I already "winterized" my coop (as if we ever get winter here lol) so I wasn't in a mad rush, but my two young guys have decided they prefer to roost with the hay! I've only got rabbits who eat it, although the geese think its fun to steal from the rabbits, so we only get a bale of hay and a bale of straw at a time with a little tarp canopy to protect from the rain. Not as protected as I would like for the little juvie birds. They USED to try to roost on top of the coop and every night for a few weeks now I've moved them inside, and now they moved even further away! I thought after a few weeks of moving them to the correct sleeping place they were supposed to "get it" and do it on their own? Even my big girl Sonny (random LF mutt) refuses to go into the coop at night on her own, but I KNOW she can get in there just fine cause she lays an egg every day! Gah!
Not to mention the sudden cold has halted serama egg production, and they were doing SO well! 3-4 eggs/day with only 4 hens!

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