American serama thread!

i wish! hubby promised to do that.... yeah....oh well, i can only do so much construction myself.... sigh....
Well when I told him the birds would have to come back into our bedroom for the below freezing nights, he bolted outside with work gloves and smile! He may leave his nasty dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and get baby powder for his shoes all over the friggin house but he supports my chicken obsession as long as they stay in the yard LOL!

Lorilyn- I've got a question for ya! I was thinking of trying the continuous hatch thing myself, just putting a handful of eggs in the bator every week or so. Is that sort of what you do?
What do you do when they actually hatch? Can you get in there and keep turning your others? Or do you just leave them alone for a day or two? I wasn't planning on "locking down" and instead just tuning those who needed to still be turned by hand, but I haven't figured out how to deal with the hatching part yet!
Granted I haven't actually hatched anything yet haha but if you have some experience in this I would love to hear about it!!!

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