American serama thread!

there was a discussion on the facebook group for serama health on it

apparently it is a recessive gene and pops up periodically
Thanks for the link.
i am somewhat new myself- so am still learning- i don't think that ever stops though

I've been around chickens for 56 years. My mother always had chickens before me, and her mother before her, and HER mother before her (actually, my great grandmother was in the chicken business in late 1800's to early 1900's in a pretty big way).

I am STILL learning all the time.

I wanted to share photos of my last hatch. It was successful with 8 healthy chicks. Here they are at 5.5 weeks old. I have 3 cockerels and 5 pullets. I am just loving having these little ones and watching their personalities develop :)
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