Americauna or Easter Egger


Oct 14, 2010
Jefferson, Oregon
This hen was sold to me at 4 weeks old as a "pure" splash americauna. I was told by the breeder if I bred her to a black americauna I would have blue americauna offspring. She is now 20 weeks old, no pea comb, very little splash and lots of gold around her neck. Is she americauna or EE? Does anyone know without the pea comb will she still lay blue eggs or could she lay any colour? Not the best pic. but she does have dark slate legs and dark eyes.
Well, not Ameraucana for sure.

People use EE for everything. I like to think of EE's as non-standard ameraucanas. I think beards/muffs, pea combs, and blue/green eggs should be part of an EE (or at least 2 of the 3) That's just my opinion, but most of the hatchery EE's meet those qualifications.

I would guess that since yours has a straight comb, it will not lay blue/green eggs. This isn't impossible, just not likely.

I'm not really seeing any Ameraucana or EE influence at all. No beard. No pea comb...

It's a pretty bird, I'm just not sure what you have there! It may be splash, and could make blue chicks for sure. Are there black flecks in the light feathering at all?
It's a pretty bird, I'm just not sure what you have there! It may be splash, and could make blue chicks for sure. Are there black flecks in the light feathering at all?

Very Few...........​

It has a single comb, good sized wattles, Mediterranean body, white earlobes, . . . . It isn't an EE or an Ameraucana. Likely a Leghorn, Andalusian, or California White cross though.
Very Few...........

Splashes vary from almost white, to very spotted. Maybe you'll at least be able to make some blue feathered babies! I love the blues.
Definitely not an Ameraucana. I don't see any signs of her being an EE either. Like Illia said, she has a straight comb, wattles, and no muffs/beard. A Splash chicken can vary greatly in the amount of blue or black splashes in their coloring, but I've never heard of a Splash chicken having gold or brown in the coloring.

She is pretty and it is slightly possible that she could lay blue/green eggs if one of her parents had some EE in their heritage, but I doubt it. Most likely, she will lay brown eggs.
After raising Andalusian's for awhile I lean towards an Andalusian cross..she's definitely a Med cross but since she has the dark legs and is a splash type color the Andy fits better than a leghorn or California cross. The red gold leakage I have seen on poor blue Andy stock.She also appears to have white earlobes=white egg layer not brown as someone else has stated.
The amount of splash markings makes very little difference..if you breed splash to splash you will lighten the splash to about white after just a few generations but the genes are still the same.
I would bring her right back to the breeder and tell her there must be some kind of mistake because you paid for a splash Ameraucana, not a mutt. People make me so mad when they pull stuff like this.

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