
I have read so many of these posts over time about americauna-ameracauna-easter egger.......
Good grief, does it insult your chicken if someone else refers to their chicken by the same breed? Seems like everytime one of these posts comes up someone gets their nose out of joint, climbs up on their superior soap box and proceeds to shred someone for calling their chick by what it was labeled where they bought it.
Come on people, realize that there are some of us out here that love chickens but haven't studied the exact science of breeds. We go into the feed store, we pick out cute chicks, we read the tag that is on the pen, bingo, that is what we believe our chicken is.
Lighten up.
that is the perfect way to explain to people why we think or thought that chicks/chickens were ameraucanas. I started out thinking that mine were purebred ameraucana, but now i have ameraucanas and EEs and i love them both!
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This was
These are the only colors of Ameraucana-they come in 8 accepted colors only:

[SIZE=10pt]Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten & White[/SIZE]

 Yours are Easter Eggers. Where did you get them? If from a feed store or hatchery, they are Easter Eggers. No hatchery has Amerauanas, unfortunately.

If you look at the link, it has the colors of male and female adult and corresponding chick colors. And you won't find your colors in there.

Now, there's nothing wrong with Easter Eggers! I have both Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers

Araucanas are even more rare than Ameraucanas and no way you'll ever find those at a hatchery; even breeders of them are hard to find.

***Here is the link to the Ameraucana, Araucana, Easter Egger discussion:

This was so helpful. I'm a new chicken addict, & was being told by my local feed store they had Ameraucanas. Thank you. Now I know to start searching out of hatchery & feed store when I want these.
The amerixauna chick on the far right will turn into a black and white chick because I bought one the same brown color and it changed
In response to post # 33. LOL!!!! Love, love, LOVE it!! I was just sitting here reading the same posts & telling my friend pretty much the EXACT same thing!!! Some folks get pretty worked up about chicken facts!! Maybe they feel the need to boast up their chicken knowledge to make up for their lack of a chicken to choke!
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What will my americaunas look like???

I ordered 2 americauna pullets about 6 months ago from a hatchery- one died as a chick and the other now is a beautiful black and orange color. As chicks both were the typical chipmunk looking type that you see.
I just received an order from Estes Hatchery (I was recommended to them for Welsummers and Americaunas) and the variety I received was like nothing I've seen before. I was only going to keep 2 and ended up with 4. They are so pretty! Anyone know what they will look like as adults. The one has lots of lavender and the others have blue.

They just came yesterday, I'm having so much fun with them! I put the rest on my local craigslist for what I paid for them and they were all gone in minutes.


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