Amigurumi Anyone??????


Sonic screwdrivers are cool!
12 Years
Sep 1, 2010
I did a search and only found old threads. This is something I just learned about and am intrigued by. I am working on my very first one just to see if I would really like to do it. Anyone out there do these??

I am most intrigued by the idea of making human type dolls instead of the animals. I am doing crochet since I can't knit.
Awesome, I am currently working on my first one, it is a jointed doll that I am hoping will end up looking like Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. I am using a free pattern for the body and going to wing it on the clothes and features that will hopefully make it look like her.
That sounds terrific! For the ones I've made with arms & legs I usually lace them with wire. I don't think I have any pictures of those though...

Well, welcome to the club! Amigurumi are addictively fun to make, I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us!
Here is what I've done so far.

The head and the upper and lower arms w/ hands. They aren't joined yet, I was using those buttons b/c they were the closest things to eyes that I had, but I'm probably going to remove them and embroider some eyes. I looked for some at Hobby Lobby today but they only had cartoon eyes and animal eyes, no human eyes, let alone realistic human eyes.

close up of the fingers and nose, I added the nose to the pattern, when I embroider the eyes I'll add some definition to the nose too.
Very cool. I make lots of little animals and donate them to a shelter close to clam digging season. They're out of the way by the beach but they always have a stand at the clam digging festival and make quite a bit for the shelter.

Top left corner are some REALLY Ugly fish
I managed to make a lobster too but I won't be sending that... I love it too much

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Very cool. I make lots of little animals and donate them to a shelter close to clam digging season. They're out of the way by the beach but they always have a stand at the clam digging festival and make quite a bit for the shelter.

Top left corner are some REALLY Ugly fish
I managed to make a lobster too but I won't be sending that... I love it too much

Love them!!! Would you share your patterns?
Here is what I've done so far.

The head and the upper and lower arms w/ hands. They aren't joined yet, I was using those buttons b/c they were the closest things to eyes that I had, but I'm probably going to remove them and embroider some eyes. I looked for some at Hobby Lobby today but they only had cartoon eyes and animal eyes, no human eyes, let alone realistic human eyes.

close up of the fingers and nose, I added the nose to the pattern, when I embroider the eyes I'll add some definition to the nose too.
Thats a great start!!

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