Ancona Runners?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Calhan, Colorado
Are Anconas considered runner ducks? Our two get "zoomie" attacks. They run around at top speed and crack me up. Their love for zooming has inspired their names: Indi and Daytona. Just wondering
all babies zoom around like that--that and they Pile
....My Dutch Hookbill babies give my Runners a 'run for the money', too. A runner is a very upright duck, stands and moves differently than other ducks, think winebottle shape , upright ,with a paddling run
frow.gif ducks run around like crazy all the time..they'll be cleaning themselves or eating and then for no reason that us humans are aware of..the whole flock just runs like crazy..silly ducks. I have some runners, they're taller and thinner..shaped like a wine bottle..or a bowling pin..they look ridiculous when they run because they have the short legs and tall great egg layers though.
From what I've read, anconas came from runners back when they first became a breed. So my guess would be that their "runner genes" are simply showing. But no, they are their own breed separate from runner ducks

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