And this is your username because...

My first chick...I named Sunny. I thought she'd be a hen, but turned out to be a roo, so I decided to name her "Sonny" instead of "Sunny" but...aaaa i just like sunny so much
anyways, Sunny always makes this cute chirping noise (when he's not cockadoodling) and so he's my song bird. Here I am, Sunny Song Bird
I am an Anne of Green Gables and Road to Avonlea (books/movies/TV show) fan, so I chose Avonlea. It's pronounced a-vun-lee (the a is like the a in at). 22 is the date I was married.
My mom started this account and chose Magistradomina cause it means "home teacher." (She homeschools me and my siblings.) I kinda took it over, and I just stuck with the name.

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