Another coop question.


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
I am getting two 8x8 pens and one 16x8 pen. They are 10 feet high. See picture.

How many Turkeys would fit in the 8x8 or 16x8 to roost at night if they were free ranging during the day?
What if they were not free ranging?


I can not let my turkeys free range. But I have a coop that is 6x8 and an attached pen that is 16x10. The man I bought my turkeys from said that it would hold 10 comfortable. I don't know b/c I haven't had 10, I did have 5 now I'm down to 4 and it works great!
I am getting 6. Maybe I could put 3 in one 8x8 and 3 in the other?? What do you guys think? This is my first time with Turkeys.

If they are going to free range during the day, you should have room for plenty in one pen. Personally, I'd use the 8x18, just because it is bigger. I have kept my turkey and chickens together for years now, they free range during the day and only come in the coop at night to be protected. My coop is probably 16x16 and I'v ehad 30 turkeys and about10 chickens in it, all at the asme time. For just roosting, they don't need a lot of room. I have 8 foot 2x4s I use for roosts. They sit on 2 more 2x4s angeled fromt he room in the back to the floor in the middle. Must be about 5 rows. Works well for me.
The one thing I would caution you on. What happens when it rains for a few days at a time and the birds don't want to go out in it. What do they do then, or where do they go? Rainy weather can make it really hard on the birds, and the coops. They tear things up quick, and will turn the ground to mud right outside the door.
One last thing. I trained mine from a young age to go in the coop at night, and still have to fight with them, mostly the hens at night. Helps to start a little before dark and get them in. Hope that helps some. ANd good luck. You will love them.
Also love your avatar. Got my wife 4 India Blue chicks last fall, turned out to be 2 males and 2 females. We love them, but they are worse than the turkeys to put away at night. 2 of them spent the other night in the trees because we forgot until after dark, and we only ended up chasing them higher and higher into trees. So today we clipped the feathers on one wing of each of them. Haven't put it to the test yet. And we will sure miss them flying thru the yard. They flew every where.

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