Another Egg Bound Hen.

Yep, that's it, and I will be top dressing the feed in at least 3 pens. Oh by the way, Crackle hen's last 2 eggs have been normal, go figure?
That's good... my hen laid another just like the one before, though it wasn't as porous.

That egg looks pretty good and normal.

Unfortunately she was supposed to lay the 5th egg last night. She is penned with one other hen and that is my 20 year old Cameo BS. The Older hen is dominate, but she doesn't really pick on this one. I am going to add vitamins to the drinking water and keep them in it, see if that makes a difference. By the way, it looks like the old Cameo BS is laying clears again, I pulled the first egg yesterday, after 10 days with no development. So I guess her last year of fertility was 18, as long as she lays I will check them, but I'm thinking she is probably done producing her own chicks. I'll give her some eggs from the other hens as she loves to brood and hatch babies.
She just laid a soft shell egg, thanks god she laid it, she was suffering the pervious 24 hours, they have eggs shells and oyster shells in their pen, but nothing helped.

It seems age isn't just a number then
I wanted to express my sympathy for everyone going through this.

And q8, so sorry you are having to fight this. And on the seed front, I lost 12 free range babies within a weeks time to that bird seed stuff. They liked it so much it's ALL they were eating except a few bugs.

After the 10th peachick in a couple days time I got brave and did an autopsy like Kathy on the last 3. The crops were so full of the stuff that I think they actually probably impacted their little crops and starved to death. Only other thing in their system was a few wolf spiders. Didn't know peas took out so many spiders!

And the seed I had been just throwing it in the drive so they did have to peck but no more bird seed type treats when babies are around, learned my lesson that summer.
I was thinking of providing better feed for them, someone suggested this feed for me, I hope he don't LOL, I have an appointment with a feed company, they are going to create a specific feed for me, will try it for two weeks first, if everything went well i will keep using it.
By the way, anyone knows of sites or article explained what peafowl or gamebirds feed should content? Or its one of the feed companies secrets?
Well, Bertolli is down again, unable to stand. Not good news, but it does make it possible for me to treat her by myself. I did a vent check and there is an egg there, it is a little farther in than the last one and is definitely softer. I lubed with olive oil( Bertolli of course) again, since it seemed okay the first time. I administered 2 ml of Calcium gluconate 23%, and 60 ml. of warm fluids. She is currently resting, I have decided not to bring her into the tub today, it is extremely humid outside, drizzling rain, and supposed to reach 80, that's gonna be more sauna like than my bathroom was last time.
Well, Bertolli is down again, unable to stand. Not good news, but it does make it possible for me to treat her by myself. I did a vent check and there is an egg there, it is a little farther in than the last one and is definitely softer. I lubed with olive oil( Bertolli of course)  again, since it seemed okay the first time.  I administered 2 ml of Calcium gluconate 23%, and 60 ml. of warm fluids. She is currently resting, I have decided not to bring her into the tub today, it is extremely humid outside, drizzling rain, and supposed to reach 80, that's gonna be more sauna like than my bathroom was last time.  :fl

I so hope she'll lay again!

I was delayed giving the second dose of fluids because my in-laws decided to pop in. I went down to give them and she got up, luckily hubby is home now and he assisted. She is walking again and looks perkier, but no egg yet. I don't think she is eating though. I took bread down and she ate that, but she has passed several poos that were mostly water. @casportpony I have some Kaytee, I could use to give her a little gruel later, would you recommend doing that or not?
I was delayed giving the second dose of fluids because my in-laws decided to pop in. I went down to give them and she got up, luckily hubby is home now and he assisted. She is walking again and looks perkier, but no egg yet. I don't think she is eating though. I took bread down and she ate that, but she has passed several poos that were mostly water. @casportpony I have some Kaytee, I could use to give her a little gruel later, would you recommend doing that or not?
When mine are like your hen I give nothing but fluids. If you're worried about blood sugar, go to Tractor Supply and get a bottle of 50% dextrose and mix 6ml with 54ml of fluids to give orally. Yesterday I think I gave my hen 60ml four times before she laid, and one of those times I gave it with the dextrose. After she laid she drank water and ate.

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