Another Hoosier here


7 Years
Mar 2, 2016

After moving around from town to town quite a bit, I've settled on a couple of acres in north central Indiana. It has an existing long, low shed that had been previously sectioned off into stalls, one for chickens, so....hey, good time to start, right? We had a flock of 6 last year, but about a week after putting them out in the shed, something got to them and ate all of them. We're getting ready to start again, this time with a second layer of chicken wire over the stall and a flock of guineas next door to it. Really hoping it works this year, we eat an awful lot of eggs.

We're doing small gardening this year, putting in a small orchard and working on taming the yard (it was abandoned for several years.)

I think that's about it!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I'm sorry to hear you lost your previous flock :hugs I've had it happen and it was just devastating, I shed many a tear over them. I would recomend you use hard ware cloth as this is much stronger against predators. The learning centre also has some great articles that you would find most helpful, here is the link ~

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi and welcome to BYC - hope your round 2 of chicken keeping is a success.

All the best

x2 on Yorkshire coops comment regarding hardware cloth being preferable to chicken wire. The cloth is much stronger and will do a better job of keeping your birds safe. Also, if you free range, you will have some losses. If you want to reduce the chance of predators getting to your chickens, you can build them a covered, secure run.

Good luck with your new flock!

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