another new problem


5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
Long Island
Have a barred rock who just isn't thriving. I noticed a lump near her belly area. I'm not sure what it is or if this is causing her to not grow. She is now about 1/2 the size of our other barred that is the same age. I have been giving her probiotics and electrolytes. She eats a little and drinks, her vent isn't blocked
I've mashed up hardboiled eggs and mixed in with the feed.
Question is anyone know what this lump is and is there anything else I can try? We already lost 1 soon after we got them and i'm hoping not to lose another. Our 1st time with chicks we had 0 problems this time nothing but!
I'm hoping this pic loads, I tried to get a good pic, her feathers are wet from me soaking her bum she had poop stuck to her(but not blocking the vent)
Thanks, unfortunately she died this afternoon. That's 2 chicks I've lost now from this batch. I have another that doesn't seem to be doing well either but doesn't seem to have the lump. I'll try the other forum also thanks again
So sorry about the loss, it's hard to lose them at any age.

Hope someone under emergencies can help you with the remaining chicks.
I'm truly sorry you lost her! :( do you think she might have had a infection causing the lump? Like a infection where the cord was? Never quite healing correctly?
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I'm not really sure about an infection. It was under the skin, there was no oozing and no smell so i'm not sure

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