Another sexing peachicks thread


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2022
What do you experts think on sex? I think left is a female and right is a male, but I'm a newbie. They're about 3 months old.

It is about the pecking order, if he thinks he is above you he will be aggressive to you when he wants to keep you out of his area. Your results will vary and nothing is set in stone, some people will have very affectionate birds and others will have birds from hell. Play with the hen, she is less likely to get mean to you.
Some updated photos of my pea children

Presumed boy fighting a "snake":

And showing off his orangey flight feathers during a dead bird nap.

Presumed girl looking dignified, as usual. She doesn't seem to have any white on her chest/belly, just black. Does the white come in eventually?

Plus some not-great shots of an odd-looking wild peahen (not mine, but in my garden/part of the same flock my birds are from). I wonder if this flock is part Spalding or something else? I don't know much about peafowl colors.


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Sure thing--the last photo is a couple of weeks old but he's still got the cream-colored spots on the rachis on his chest today. I don't see much pattern on the flight primaries but they are a light rust color (sorry for the crummy photo quality, I have older ones that show color better but they change color so fast that old photos seem pointless). He's also at least a good inch or two taller than the one you confirmed female, though I appreciate this is difficult to tell in photos haha. Are there any other angles that would help?
Darn, I've been hoping I could change their names from Lucy and Ricky to Lucy and Ethel. Oh, well, hopefully Ricky stays sweet!

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