Another Tennessee Waltz Quilt, This Time in Spring Colors--ATTN: goldenluver!

Speckled Hen, I love the new quilt!
I am glad you are putting the stuff I sent you to use. I need to start quilting again, not been in the mood since my mom died. was supposed to finish the chicken quilt for her and I didn't get it done before she died so I haven't done any quilts since.
I'm so sorry about your mom. I know what you mean about having to be in the mood to quilt, though. Sometimes, I'll stop for months at a time, usually over the hottest months, when you just don't want yards of fabric on your lap. It's sometimes so hard to get going again, as much as I love the craft.

I'm making smaller things most of the time now, but ever since I did that last Tn Waltz quilt, I've wanted to do another one in different colors and a larger block. I've had to quit on this one for a bit to do some other things for $$ and my son is visiting from South Korea where he teaches English until this Monday so not much getting done until after he goes back.
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Have finished all except four blocks and thought I'd post a picture. Not sure of the final position of the pink-lavender, yellow and green churn dash blocks yet, but you get the idea. And when those are together, then I'll decide on the border(s).

Lots of movement... nice the 'churn dash' or 'hole in the barn door' or 'monkey wrench' blocks...funny how there's so many names for same block...depended on region and era i suppose...of course stars always pack a visual punch too. I need to get some quilt finishes done in 2013...been so busy with kids and chickens...seeing this inspires me (-; beautiful work.
Have finished all except four blocks and thought I'd post a picture. Not sure of the final position of the pink-lavender, yellow and green churn dash blocks yet, but you get the idea. And when those are together, then I'll decide on the border(s).

Thank you! Yes, most blocks sure do have several names.

This may be the last bed quilt of this size that I ever do. And, I'm even thinking of selling the pieced top and not even finishing it myself. I don't have it in me (or my fingers) to do big projects anymore. I do smaller stuff and now, I'm doing crochet, which is easier on my hands, generally. Two dying arts, I guess, but both useful.
The top is finally together, including the borders. Borders are just tone-on-tone purple quilt backing I had left over from a huge piece I'd been saving to back this particular project. Made do with what I had, but I think it looks okay. May be awhile before I get it quilted since the basement, where I have a large area rug to "sandwich" it on, is freezing right now.


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