Another thread on mites


Quail Geek
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 15, 2019
Klamath County, OR
I haven't actually seen mites, but my birds seem to have the symptoms. Bare backs, ragged feathers, and one bird even has feet that look soft. From the research I've been doing, it seems like these are classic signs of mites.

Now, on to treatment. I've read about several treatments from diatomaceous earth (this sounds like something that it actually works for), permethrin or Sevin. What works best?
have you tried mixing in some food-grade Diatomaceous Earth with their dust bath?
i have heard that works for mites and other insects.
Bare backs and ragged feathers can be from over breeding as well.
Usually with mites there'd be some evidence on the birds themselves.
I personally wouldn't use DE, as there are some negatives when it comes to using it (from what I've seen/read)
Also this works also just follow the directions


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It's not overbreeding. I know this because it's in 3 of my six pens, and they have 1 roo to 5 hens. There's no sign of bald heads which they would also have if they were being overbred. The wing feathers are actually ragged, almost moth eaten looking on one bird. Since I know they're getting enough protein and calcium, that kind of leaves mites.

I'm checking Sevin and other options (including diatomaceous earth as a preventative once the infestation is gone). I am concerned with toxicity since two of my pens are on one of my garden beds, and I plant food in those when I move the quail off of them.

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