Anti White Leghorn Bias?

I have 3 white leghorn hens..and while they are a bit more flighty than my other breeds..they are some of my favorite hens..they are pretty, lay well and once they have gotten used to me it was my mission to have them become more they come and sit on my lap...come right to me when I am giving treats...They are slimmer and I do worry about them in the cold but they seem to be a hardy bird and I really like them. Would I get more..yes. Although I like them I agree..I find alot of people have negative things to say about them. The farmer I get my hay from tells me he would never have any because they are no good once they are done laying and they are mean to the other hens and they make too much noise...I like mine and have had no problems with them...This is my Miss Penney
I haven't read thru' this entire thread, as it's gotten quite large, so this has probably been suggested. I think White leghorns are so unpopular because, well, they're about the most run-of-the-mill specimen of poultry in the world. It's usually the very first breed people acknowledge. Now that the White Leghorn has been replaced by the RSL, they are still unpopular for some reason.
My roo pictured on the previous page also tends to be pretty aggressive! HE is about to be rehomed to a lady who snatches aggressive birds up and totes them around to gain thier respect....Me I just wanted to chop his head off! BUT do you see the gorgeous white feathers? blood and those won't mix...AKA I can't do it!
Also saw someone say that these are dirty birds....the hens are to me are quite nasty...BUT casper NEVER gets dirty! ever...never seen a speck on that bird! And is the BEST flock protector ever! and fertile as all get out! HE even treats his hens VERY good...talks and coos to them all the he has been moved out of the flock awaiting his rehoming. I've never seen a MAGESTIC chicken until Casper..I will be sad for him to go.
I just have 2 exchequers and they are laying machines. The older one is as heavy as my Marans to pick up.

OK I must have the spotted chickens
Casper is soooo cute, and what a great name for a white leghorn Roo!

I love the picture the leghorn/EE cross. My leghorn/EE cross is white with auburn on his wings and a few black specks sprinkled throughout, like yours. He also has red eyebrows.

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