Anti White Leghorn Bias?

This is my Good Guy. Do you think he looks half white leghorn/half EE?

He has a white earlobe which means he is a mediterranean cross. Could be a result of a sexlink but not one of the conventional ones.

Ameraucanas have muffs not the tuffs on the the ear. A red sexlink is a hybrid by crossing two birds of a certain gene type.
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I checked on Wikipedia, and it is known that his father was a white leghorn, and that is not a parentage for the red sexlink cross.

He does have red sexlink coloring, however, and looks quite similar to them.

A fellow posted a picture of his EEs a while back, and they looked just like this bird, with the muffs.
Do you suppose the fellow who told me the father was a white leghorn rooster could be confused and think a white rock is a white leghorn? I just looked at some pics of white rocks, and the body shape of them looks similar to Good Guy's, and white rock is a possible parentage for a red sexlink.

My Plymouth Barred Rocks stop laying in the winter, early in November and don't resume until March 1. The fellow who gave me the eggs lives up in the mountains where it's even colder, and he says his white leghorns are still laying. But maybe they are White Rocks. What do you think???

Would novices know the difference? He was certain his only rooster is a white leghorn.

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