antibiotic / respitory infection


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
What antibiotic do you use for a respitory infection? One of my older hens has been breathing kinda heavy for two days now, no others are. I have her seperated from them in my garage so she can stay warm - would like to treat her but not sure what to use. she is eating and drinking but has no energy and is just kinda sittin or standin - Any thoughts?
I can't find it anywhere around me, any idea on where I could find it, someone else suggested it but no luck finding some
Sulmet in the drinking water...aureomycin (I know Im not spelling that right but it sounds like ARRR-O-MY-A-CIN) in the feed. Vet RX is like vics vapor rub for chickens...helps them breath but cures nothing. All can be had at your local feed store.
PS you can also offer her electroyles in her drinking water...again a trip to the feed store (even a TSC) If they dont have Quik Chik you can get any of the supplements that are multi species like for cows/goats/pigs/poultry-they are one size fits all. Maybe some sugar water or gatoraid too if you cant get to the store. If you do antibiotics be sure to do some plain yogart...I slather my yogurt on bread and they go stupid for it...puts the good stuff back in their guts as antibiotics kill everything even the good bacteria. And in a pinch if you cant find vet rx get ya some vicks vapor rub...tone it down with some vasiline (as it does kinda burn full strength) and put just a dab in the bare patch under each wing and some around the nostrils. Hope all works out....
What other signs are there besides "breathing heavy?" I've seen hens "breathe heavy" while broody or eggbound. If she is lethargic, could be external or internal parasites.
I got some duramycin (not sure if I am spelling that right) and was able to giver her some soaked in bread. I am wondering if she is not egg bound, she is older and had not been laying, she is standing kind of funny as well. I'm gonna go "investigate" and see what I can see - Thank you so much for all the info - been raising chickens for 3 years now and up untill now have not had any real issues, knock on wood!
What other signs are there besides "breathing heavy?" I've seen hens "breathe heavy" while broody or eggbound. If she is lethargic, could be external or internal parasites.

No external parisites and she was recently wormed with valbazen (within the last month) She is standing kinda funny and seems most un-comfortable when she lays down - gonna go see if she is egg bound - will let ya know what I find out.

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