Any artists out there?

My 9 yo wanted everyone to see her drawing of a cat/dragon/ostrich

I was inspired by an article where an artist created his dream pigeon, and it looked similar to my dream pigeon, so I decided to start drawing my dream pigeon. (Because yes I do think about my idea pigeon as I fall asleep.)
It is quite hard to conceptualize what I picture in my head so I did many renditions, first of my favorite breed head shapes in plainhead and peak crested before combining elements of my favorites. Then started modifying that. I’m not sure whether I prefer short or long face.


and I haven’t even gotten around to the body yet…
A second birthday card, my brother's this time:

And I was looking through some of my old calendars, which, by the way, can make amazing reference photos! I have some from 2015 😂 Anyway, I found a drawing I have a love/hate relationship with. The paper is way too small, but I already started shading it like a year ago...idk whether to finish it on the paper it's on already or transfer it to a bigger sheet and start over. I'm leaning towards the latter.
Wow, these are really cool, how did you make them?
Crazy late response I know! I was going back through my old account posts and saw you had replied to me! I use CSP (Clip studio paint) for all of my pieces my online name is EvolutionAntix if you'd like to find my deviantart I'm also working on a speculative evolution project on instagram called "The Dead reef isle"

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