Any body ever seen this color?


9 Years
Jul 11, 2011
I got these as chicks from a breeder who said they were project birds. Has anybody else seen any of these being bred by others, or just seen them around in general?(I feel like I am obligated to breed these just in case I have the only ones ever, but I'm not really set up for it and don't have much funds)

*photo removed per OP's request*
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D'uccle projects...Mille Fleur, Buff mottled...some type of mix. Don't feel obligated. If the breeder gave you some project birds, chances are they're ones s/he didn't feel were worth breeding on.

Pretty to look at though.
Just enjoy the pretty ones you have. If you WANT to hatch out some colorful babies, feel free. But remember, hatching gives you roosters, and you have to have a plan in place to deal with them.
They're Mille Fleur with splash. They will indeed breed true unless the hen there is actually a light blue, which means then they'll partially breed true.
Just enjoy the pretty ones you have. If you WANT to hatch out some colorful babies, feel free. But remember, hatching gives you roosters, and you have to have a plan in place to deal with them.

Ditto. They look almost like Blue Mille Fleur. The roo doesn't have much of a tail (from what I see in the picture).
I wouldn't breed them.

Enjoy those delightful personalities and enjoy them as eye candy in your yard!
He doesn't have a tail because it got broken off when he was penned all the time. He molted a while ago and is starting to grow it back, but I still don't know if it's going to be as long as it should be

Yeah, that's what I thought. She gave me all 3 of the project chicks and there supposed father for $5, so she must not have thought too much of them. She had I think 8 adults of the projects, but she sold them all for I think $15 a piece to various, untraceable people. She said that she was just tired of that breed and wanted them gone.

I know ALL about the excess rooster placement, lol. That's one of the other many reasons why I haven't tried to turn them into a breeding project.
I hatched a dozen mixed d'Uccle eggs a few months ago and only had 2 hens out of the whole bunch

Thanks everybody for your input!
I'm just going to let them live out there lives as cute, spoiled little barnyard ornaments.......maybe, lol. I just web surfed again and still can't find any others like them, and they're so pretty!
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